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I left the table, just as the orchestra began to build and a wash of silver confetti fell down from the crystals above

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I left the table, just as the orchestra began to build and a wash of silver confetti fell down from the crystals above. Around the backs of their embellished bodies, and through tables crowded with chairs I could see her halo of curls. She was passing through far below the crowd, looking like a shadow across the polished white floor of the gala hall.

I continued to follow, picking up with her pace until she turned a dark corner.

"Valen!" I heard a voice call my name, as a hand caught onto mine.

"Where are you off to?" Court said with her hand still on mine.

Court was wearing a short lilac with a featured hem. Her eyes were lined with silver makeup, and her lips wore a shimmering gloss that changed colors.

"I was just, just trying to find the bathroom," I said, feeling my pulse run through my fingers.

"But, you're going the wrong way," Court said with a slight chuckle.

"Oh," I stuttered, "I guess I am."

"Come on, I'll show you where it is," Court said and turned away, "Miranda and Jeffrey we're looking for you as well."

"No, I can't!" I said and looked behind me at the dark corner where Evee once was.

"Valen," Court turned back with a stern stare, "I know what's going on."

I paused, the tension shaking me at my ankles.

How much could she know? Should I just tell her now?

"It's just that I -"

"I get it," Court said and laughed, "You found a boy you're fond of already, have you now?"

"Yeah," I said, my ankles melting into the floor, "It's just I didn't -"

"It's okay," Court said and held me on my arm, "Go find him."

Court's smiling face rounded so softly she almost didn't appear like the same person.

"Thanks," I said and smiled back.

As I was about to walk away, Court called me again.

"Valen, you look beautiful," she said, "I think you're starting to make a real home here in the union."

"I think I am too," I said as a smile bloomed through my face.

"Then I'll see you later on," Court said and walked back into the bright purple lights of the gala.

I walked away into the entrance hall and further into the shadows where a pair of whispers grew louder and louder, and a dim light grew brighter and brighter. I stepped back into the darkened part of the room and watched them.

"We have to tell Valen," Evee whispered to Nate, "We'll get Mat first then her everything. She should have a choice too."

"No way," Nate said in a quick burst, "What if she tries to stop us. It's safer to tell her once we're down in the lower city. If she wants to go with us, she'll find a way to us."

"We can't just abandon her, Nate," Evee said, "She's like my sister."

"You have a sister," Nate said, "And she needs you too."

Evee paced around the hall her fidgeting hands on her hips, "We have to talk some sense into her."

"Sense?" I said and stood out from the shadows, "Into me?"

Evee held out her hands, "Valen, please let me explain."

"Evee, what are you doing?" I said and looked to Nate who had his hand around Evees wrist.

"Come on, Evee let's go," Nate said and tugged Evee away.

"No," I said, "Evee what's going on?"

Evee ripped her wrist away from Nate's grip.

"We're evacuating the lower city," Evee blurted and stepped closer to me.

I stood back and shook my head, "Evacuating the lower city?"

"You have to come with us," Evee said, her eyes strained and pleading, "It's not safe for us here, Valen please."

"You know we don't all have a family to escape with," I said, "Maybe some of us belong here."

"Belong here?" Evee said and snickered, "They don't see us any differently than the mice in their labs. We're just experiments to them."

"Experiments!" I shouted, "Have you ever even tried to be nice to them?"

"Look what they did to my sister!" Evee shouted back, "There's nothing nice about any of them."

Nate grabbed Evee's hand again.

"Evee, We have to go before -" he said and stopped short as he looked at me.

"Before what?" I said and lowered my voice.

Evee looked away from me and lips quivered as they struggled to stay closed.

"Evee tell me now, or I'm going back to the gala and - "

"Dimitri put a bomb in the garden," Evee said slowly, "But we're not going to hurt anyone."

"A bomb?!" I said, making my voice crack, "You think I'm going to bomb the gardens with you?"

Nate looked behind me, his chest caved in with a sudden exhale, and his skin turned to an ash gray.

I turned to look behind. There was Court in the frame of the darkened room with two bubbly drinks in hand.

"You're going to - to," Court said and started to slowly back away.

Court dropped the drinks in her hand. Her eyes were focused as if we were a pack of wolves she had found in their den.

"Valen no!" I heard Evee say behind me.

"Court, no I swear," I said and began to follow her.

Court began to run back through the doors of the gala and into a circle of people.

"Please let me," I said and grabbed onto the sash of her lavender dress.

Court pulled away, "Help!" she shouted, "Get me away from this - this freak!"

I halted in the crow of people. All their eyes were on me.

"Please help they're going to, they're going to -" Court continued to shout when a quake hit the gala floor that knocked me to my feet.

I laid on the cold marble floor as rubble from the ceiling fell down onto me like hail. Tangled in the bodies of others I closed my eyes unsure of where I was or what was happening for a moment when two strong hands lifted me from the ground.

On both sides the armored arms of two officers held me. I looked up to see Gen standing in front of me with a dissatisfied grimace. Her arms were crossed around her shimmering dress powered with rubble.

"Valen," she said and tilted up her sharp nose, "I must say, I am very disappointed in you."

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