Chapter 34

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I sit there in Liam and Ethan's office, I didn't even know they would be as serious to move the whole damn company here just because of Abby. I have to say, they really are dedicated to get her back and I admire that.... to a point.

They think they can just take advantage of a young girl and break her then she finally gets the guts to just run away from all of the drama and the being it right back where it started.

I could kill them now.... but I'm not that kind of person and even though they have done wrong, I love my cousins because for one they aren't my annoying sisters trying to fuck my cousins ever since they were kids! And second because I grew up looking up to them both and I know they mean well but it's just too much when you have a heart so big like Abby's.

Man, that girl and her kindness, you can't even hate her because she's genuinely kind. She doesn't let people walk all over her, but she would never be evil or manipulative like that Stacy person, and even after that Abby didn't find it in her heart to be mean and hateful to Stacy when clearly, she could have.

I just hope Abby doesn't hate me for being away too long, but I had to be, Caleb Black will pay for all the shit he has done and that was a promise.

"She's on her way, we should probably get you a clean shave and a haircut otherwise I don't think she'd recognize you" Ethan says to me, he's right though I look like a fucking cave man.

"Why should he get all cleaned up? He's just seeing Abby and for a while and we can talk to her later!" Liam says, the tone of his voice tells me that something isn't right, but I don't pay any mind to it and grabbed the razor from Ethan along with scissors from his desk.

"Who gives a fuck what you think Liam" I shout and closed the restroom door, time to get back to my old self. Besides the part where I kill Caleb.


Liam was furious.

He keeps suggesting that mike and Abby have some romantic relationship or something. Crazy right?

I keep telling him that they're just friends and been together for two years! I understand that they've grown a close relationship with one another and he's our cousin I know he would want to see us happy, but Liam doesn't think so. He thinks that when Michael comes back everything, we have planned for our future would be snatched away because of Michael but I don't believe any of that.

I'm going to have Abby and this time I'm going to make it right. I won't sit back and let my brother do dumb shit like before, I will keep it on the right path because we come as a pack like Abby said two years ago. If she breaks up with one, she breaks up with the other also and I can't let her go again, I love her.

"I'm telling you Ethan; Michael is planning something and don't say he's not trying to have Abby because he is. I can see it all over his face" He whisper shouted to me, I shook my head and sat at my desk. I didn't care for any of Liam's suspensions.

"Okay brother so what if he is? What if he does want Abby for himself, what would you do?" I ask curiously, he smiled evilly and sat on my desk.

"We'd solve that problem"

Is he fucking serious?! Kill our cousin!

"I would never! Don't you ever say some shit like that Liam it isn't right and if we 'solve that problem' then what would Abby think of you? She'd be disgusted with you! Not me! But we came as a package remember and I'd be damned if you actually do that and have the girl I love hate me for the shit you've done like last time , so now cut the stupid shit Liam and get that out of your head" I whispered so that Michael couldn't hear , I was becoming more and more angry with how Liam really would consider killing our cousin and on top of that I wouldn't have Abby.

All he's doing is making it harder on everyone because he has the impulse to kill anything in sight but that's not me and I know the only reason he's acting like this is because we haven't seen her in so long and we longed for her for two years and now we finally have a chance he doesn't want to have any interruptions but he doesn't know what that could cause but I'm here as his brother to calm him.

"Okay I'm here! Where's Michael!" Abby burst into our office out of breath, she was beautiful as ever with that dress on but where was she dressed that way?

"I'm here abs!" Michael came from the restroom looking like his old self.

"I hate that fucking name, but I'd accept it because your here mickey!" Tears streamed down her face as she ran and embraced him into a bone crushing hug. Liam and I watched as the two held each other while Abby's tears fell from her face at a very fast pace.

I wanted to comfort her but I know this is the time for her and Michael, so I left them alone. Liam on the other hand glared at Michael the whole time he held Abby, I hit his arm and gave him a look as to say don't do something stupid before we even have the time to make Abby ours again.

"Now where the fuck did you go without telling me?!" She hit the side of his head, he winced and pulled back laughing at her angry face. Man was she sexy.

"Is that anyway to talk to your best friend, I'm very hurt" he held his heart as if it really sounded him.

"Yeah, about that.... here's your chain back and I don't ever want to see it off of your neck ever again or else I'll have to engrave this chain on your skin"

"A tattoo you would be better"

"And mess with this fabulous skin? I think not"

"You are just adorable as I remember"

I cleared me throat at the two, I know they were just happy to see each other but Abby needed to know what happened to Michael and she needed to know that now before it's too late.

"Mike, shouldn't we tell her about Caleb" I suggest, Liam agrees, and Abby looked at us expectingly.

"I know he's changed but I didn't know you all knew; he really had gotten better I was just at lunch with him when you called-"

"You were with him just now!" All three of us screamed, I didn't know she would be with that fucking psychopath but I'm happy that she isn't anymore.

"What's wrong you are acting like he killed someone"

"That's because he has killed people Abby!" I exclaimed; I couldn't control myself. The thought of him hurting her was too much to bare, Liam grabbed Abby and held onto her for comfort. I could tell he was just as angry to know that she was actually with him just a little while before.

"He hasn't killed anyone, he just has anger problems, but I don't think he would kill anybody guys"

"Oh yeah, tell that to Michael! He sent someone to kill him, Abby! Tell her!" I screamed,  she has to know the dangerous side to that fucker I'll be damned if he sees her with me knowing anything about it.

"It's true he tried to kill me after the two of you left. I was supposed to be dead because of an order he gave, he's a killer Abby" Michael finally says, he himself looks a little pale at the fact that she was with that murderer.

"And that's why, I'm going to kill him"

"What?!" Abby, Liam and I shouted.

"I'm going to kill Caleb"

What the fuck had this world come to?!

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I'm so sorry for not posting earlier. I haven't been feeling like the author I actually call myself, so many people are in my DM telling me how much my story doesn't make since and how bad it is and I let that get to my head.

But never again because I stared this journey with all of my followers and I wanted to continue for all the support I have and it overweighs the negative shit these haters are saying but I'm officially back and be ready for constant updates!

Bye loves❤️

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