Chapter 25

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First, we started the guest room just down the hall from our room. It was going to be our little girl's room, so I decided to get a very light grey paint for the walls, so Abby doesn't get suspicious.

"This is nice" she comments as we are halfway through with the room. I smile and look at her, she's in one of my plain white tees with some overalls while her hair is placed in a high bun on top of her head.

Even like this she looked perfect none the less I can't believe how she does that.

"I think so too" I step back from the wall examining it, Abby comes to my side to take a look herself I took the chance to place my arm over her shoulder and stare at the now empty room that soon is going to be for our daughter someday.

"I'm really happy for you mark"

"For me, why?"

"I mean you've matured into the man I knew you could be and now you're designing your own home and it looks perfect I absolutely love how homey it feels in here but I'm happy that I could be a part of this. Thank you" she snuggles into my side. I smile and kiss her temple, she doesn't know how much it meant to me for her to say that.

"I'm glad you're here also"

We finish up the whole room adding more paint to some parts in order for them to look smoothed throughout, it was really fun especially when I splashed grey paint all over her head, she squealed and jumped up and down as if she were having a tantrum.

It was downright hilarious and adorable seeing her like that.

After I tried wiping it off from her head, she dumped the whole damn can all over me and ran around the house as I chased her, it was fun in every way possible I couldn't help but smile.

Of course, we had to take a shower after Our time playing like teenagers around the house, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Mark!" She calls me, I walk into our connected bathroom that's inside of our bedroom to see what she wanted.


"Turn the water on hot for me please" I grab her hand and show her how to turn it from hot too cold with just a push of a button.

She pushed me out of the bathroom while she took a shower, I didn't mind it at all I Laid on the bed careful not to get the wet part of my body on the sheets and watched a little tv.

Being with Mark has really brightened up my day usually I would be feeling bummed about Michael's disappearances, and I still am, but Mark helps me get my mind from wondering like it was.

Caleb has gotten more work handed to him at the office so I can spend my day with Mark while the twins are working on finding him and even though I still work there I think I'm going to quit, after someone trying to poison me, I can't trust anyone there it's all too much.

I get out of the shower and dry off since I didn't bring extra clothes with me, I'm wearing one of marks shirts along with his boxers until my other clothes are cleaned enough.

 little old me thought she couldn't get paint in herself when I first started but that was a big mistake once I splashed a glob of grey paint on myself, painting isn't easy. After I put on one of marks white tees with some overalls that he had and now they are soaked in paint.

"Mark!" I call out to him once I'm done.

"Yes princess" he enters the bathroom cautiously. I laugh and uncover his eyes; I would never call him in here while I'm naked but I'm glad he decided to accept what we had long ago was a mistake.

I would be lying if I said I don't love Mark because I do, I just don't know if it's as much as I love the twins or Caleb.

"Where are your spare toothbrushes?"

"Oh here" he goes into the room and comes back with a sparky purple toothbrush for adults.

Oh, how I love this color and the sparkly omg!!

"This is so pretty!" I hold it up, I've never even seen a toothbrush like this for adults it's always for little kids.

"I got it just for you" I smile and start brushing my teeth hurriedly, I press down on the toothbrush and it starts to vibrate in my mouth giving me a funny feeling.

"Do you mind if I take a shower now, I got to get out of these clothes"

"sure" I look the other way as he starts to change and step in the shower, I didn't want to see his naked body.

"Oh, come in Abby you're acting like you've never seen my body before" he chuckled, it is true I have seen it plenty of times actually even before we were in a relationship. We used to take showers together as teenagers, but we were best friends not lovers.

"It's still weird and I know my boyfriend wouldn't like it if I see another men's body"

"you right I'm sorry"

"It's okay"

"Can I get a hug" I turn around and meet his wet body, I forgot he was even in the shower.

His arms circle around my waist pulling me closer as his manhood hangs down touching my upper thigh, my breath hitches a bit before I pull away from him and running out of the bathroom.

I lay on his bed and watch tv trying to forget what just happened in the bathroom.

It was so big I think it even got bigger over the years would it- no, no! I'm not thinking like that me, and Mark are friends and only friends. Caleb is my boyfriend I love him and he's the best, Okay I'm fine I'm okay.

The shower turned off ten minutes later and Mark walks into the room with just a towel over his waist, thank God he's covered but now his abs are on display for me.

He walks into the connected closet and searches through there for something to wear, I could see him as he moved around the closet, but I tried to keep my eyes focused on the tv before me.

Just picture he isn't there.

Soon he comes and joins me in the bed. He pulls me on his side of the bed and snuggles me as we watch pretty women, his hair was still a little damp dripping drops of water onto my forehead.

"You need to dry your hair you'll get sick" I tell him without removing my eyes from the television.

"Can you do it for me?" He gives me a towel from the side of the bed and pulls me on top of him so that I straddle his waist.

I clear my throat and adjust myself properly on him while running the towel through his hair, he holds my hips in place as I continue to dry his hair a little with the towel. When I'm sure that it won't drip anymore, I throw the towel into his bin and get off of his lap.

"Thank you, princess," he smiles and kisses my cheek, I blush hard and bury my face into the pillow.

Why did he call me princess.

"Princess what's wrong?"

See!!! He did it again.

"I'm not a princess"

"Yes, you are, my princess"

 "I'm not princess have pretty dresses and castles and princes and a lot of friends" I pout and stare into his eyes.

"Well, that's because you don't show them how much of a princess you are, you will always be my princess though and I'll be your prince" I smile and kiss his cheek, he can be so sweet sometimes.

"I'm hungry" I blurt out looking at him for an answer.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Umm.... pizza and fries oh and my special sundae you use to make for me!" He chuckles at my response and picks me up from the bed.

"Okay anything for you angel come on"

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