Chapter 33

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"Mark stop!" I laughed as he attacked me with tickles while straddling my waist and pinning my hands above my head with one arm while the other assaults my stomach.

"Say it!" He demanded with a playful grin on his face, I wanted so bad to see his face when I said no but the feeling has become too much, I think I might cry.

"Okay! Okay, Mark is by far the sexiest human being I've ever laid eyes on" he stopped and crossed his arms over his chest.


"And he is the best cook ever" I finally said, we stare at each other for an intense minute or so before I realize we both were leaning into each other.

I moved my head to the side just in time for his lips to hit my cheek where he laid a gentle kiss there.

He sighed before getting off of me completely, I sat up and looked to the side of me. He sat there with his hands in his lap and his head down.

"Mark?" I put my hand on his to get his attention.

"I just don't understand it.... you want me, you want us but then you tell me that we can only have sex and then you just want to be friends? It makes no sense"

I knew this would be complicated to do but talking with Dr. Lewis has had a very good impact on me, now I can control my urges and uncomplicate my life just a little.

"It's not like that Mark, we just are taking things slow, and friends seem like a good way to start. If we want to be together for real, then I'll have to be sure that we belong together"

"Yeah, I know but still I miss holding you" he pouted, oh he is so freaking adorable when he wants to be.

"You do hold me" I laugh at him.

"Not how we use to" Mark laid beside me, he grabbed my hand and played with my fingers while silence overtook us. it was wrong of me in the first place to suggest we have sex when I knew how much he felt about me but that was when I didn't know what I wanted. Now that I'm actually getting the help that I need I don't think I could go back to being the old and reckless Abby, I have to take my issues and deal with them instead of running away or making my life complicated than it already is.

"I still can't believe you won't come with me" he sighed and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"It's your parents' home Mark, I remember the last time I was there Liam gave your parents a speech on how we had sex all over the place, so I think I'll pass being embarrassed"

"You won't, my mom wants you to come. I want you to come"

I know if I go to Marks parents' home that it wouldn't end well. His parents want us to be together and that's fine, but I need to worry about what I want instead of what everyone else expect from me.

"I just can't"

"But I'll be gone, and you'll be here with who? How can I keep that fucker of an ex-boyfriend away from you if I'm all the way back home"

"I have the twins to keep me safe and I'm not worried about Caleb"

It was true, I did have the twins to watch over me of something did happen but I'm not a little girl who needs to bounce house after house just because someone she's living with is also leaving.

I can handle myself, but I know if I can't Liam and Ethan will be here to protect me. After all they are my brothers.

After Mark left for the airport, I wondered around the house for a little before deciding that I wanted to go and see the twins today.

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