Chapter 26

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"Mr. Black you have a visitor"

"Send them in" A smile for the first time today appears on my face, my baby is coming to see me at work I've missed her so fucking much.

A knock sounds at the door I quickly fix my tie before telling her to come in. When the door opens, I stand from my seat happy to see my baby right now, work has been kicking my ass.

"Baby I- who the fuck are you" my voice turns darker at the sight of my baby and another man entering my office.

"Caleb this is Mark, remember I told you about him and how we use to be best friends" she says giving me a stern look, my eyes remained on the man next to her though.

Who the fuck does he think he is with my baby.

"You are in a relationship with one of my workers am I right"


"Let's call her in shall we" I press the intercom and told Stacy to come to my office immediately, if he wants anybody, he should be with his girlfriend at least.

Before Abby or the man next to say anything else Stacy waltz into my office stopping dead in her tracks once she sees her boyfriend standing next to Abby.

"Mark what are you doing here" she fixes her blazer a little.

"Caleb! If you listened to me before you did that, I would have explained to you that they aren't together anymore!" She yells at me.

Honestly, I didn't know that they weren't together I just thought maybe she'd take him away leaving me with Abby but now this just got interesting. I sit back in my chair and pull Abby in my lap as I watch the couple with amusement.

Abby squirms and try to get from my lap, I grab her thigh in a tight grip and whisper in her ear.

"Baby if you don't sit still and be quiet Daddy will have to give you spankings after work am I understood" I whisper calmly in her ear, she tenses at my Daddy voice and nods her head before whispering back to me.

"Yes Daddy" I kiss the top of her head; she can be such a good girl at times but then there's times like these when she brings another man into my office.

Overall, she's always my good girl even when she's angry she obeys that's what I love about her.

"So aren't you going to tell me why your here" Stacy ask nervously, I laugh at the aggravated look Mark gives her. It's clear he didn't want to see her he has too much distaste in his eyes.

"I'm here with Abby"

"Did you come and see me?" She asks with hope, this scene is making me laugh so hard on the inside. Not everyone can be as perfect as Abby and me.

"Actually, no I didn't come to see you just coming to meet her boyfriend" he says, I caught on to the way he said boyfriend referring to me. Something's off about him.

"Oh, I miss you"

"Stacy not here, Okay?"

"If we don't talk here, how will I know that you'll talk to me out of here?"

"Stacy stop this now"

"No! I've tried calling you and telling you that what me and him did was a mistake, I was lonely you weren't there he'll I don't even know where the fuck you went!"

"I moved on Stacy drop it"

"You didn't move on actually; you've never moved on from-"

He then covers her mouth with his hand, I was very interested in what she had to say but he cut her off. That was like a soap opera this shit was getting good.

"Stacy not now" he said to her through clenched teethed.

I get up from my chair making me around my desk and taking a seat onto it, Abby follows suit and sits stands between my legs while my arms circle around her waist.

"Wow why so much hate for the person who've been with" I say, he gives me a little glare before dropping his hand from Stacy's mouth and turn around to face us.

"When you don't look at the person you've been with the same things change" he replies calmly, I knew that was a lie it had to be. Who shows that much hate and tries to play it off like they just had relationship problems it seems like something deeper, even though it wasn't my problem I still don't like nor trust this guy around Abby, so I want to find out.

"You've never loved me, Mark! You used me and for what so we could come here, and you could go off and have a happy life with-"

"Shut the fuck up Stacy or so help me I'll do my fucking self!" He shouted in her face, she cowered over and left my office weeping.

Damn this man had issues I would never speak to Abby the way he did to Stacy; I don't care how bad of a place we are in I could never threaten her the way he did with his ex.

Abby face held confusion and fear while looking at him. I smile to myself, that was the easiest thing I've done in so long. She sees him for what he really is.

"You know women shouldn't be treated that way mark their sensitive and loving creatures you shouldn't take advantage of that" I spoke up, my baby looks up at me with admiration in her eyes. I was only stating the truth though.

"Well sometimes they can be devils"

"Mark!" Abby shouts in disbelief.

"It's true Abby you know how she use to be"

"Everyone changes, and I've seen drastic changes in Stacy since she's been working here"

"That's fake Abby, I love how caring you are of giving people second chances, but Stacy isn't any good you know why I left her"

"And why exactly did you leave her" I ask out of curiosity; Abby sighs and looks at Mark for approval before she begins to tell me.

"This guy name Zack we went to school with who use to like me decided to stay with Stacy and Mark until he got on his feet but when Mark came home one night, he saw Stacy and Zack having sex" I nodded my head, I didn't know she betrayed him like that.

Maybe I was a little hard on him about Stacy, she did her dirt now she's trying to get him back. I still don't trust him but I'm a man I can apologize.

"I'm sorry for getting into your business like that not knowing how you felt about your ex" I told him sincerely; he shook his head in understanding before clearing his throat.

"Well, I better get going"

"Wait where are you going" Abby ask,

"I have to finish painting the other guest room remember, no days off until it's finished"

"I'm going with Caleb has work anyway" she kisses my lips twice before pulling away and leaving with Mark.

Once they leave from my office my mind wondered back to Mark,
He's hiding something I need to know.

I call Stacy back into my office and told her to take a seat.

"Tell me everything about Mark and Abby, don't leave out anything if you do you are fired."

She gulps and nods her head in understanding and began when it all started back in high school when Abby's parents died.

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