Chapter 12

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Flying into Florida I couldn't be more at ease knowing Abby is here somewhere and now I can finally make her mine.

I wait outside the airport with my bags and wait for my ride to come and pick me up, seeing That's it's already three they should be here in-

"Get in"

"Hey Stacy"

"Whatever just get in before someone sees"

"Is that anyway to talk to your best friend from high school"

"If you don't get in this car so help me Zack, I'll-"

"Okay, Okay"

I throw my hands up in surrender getting inside of the car. On the way there Stacy informs me about what's all been going down with my Abby.

"So, she dates her boss?"


"What about Mark has she seen him yet?"

"Nope but I think that she's going to sooner than we think. Mark likes to have everything planned out before he acts on it smart but not always fast enough so with you being here it throws him off track giving us more time to plan and him, but we need to be smarter and faster"

"Damn Stacy, I knew you were smart, but this is wow couldn't have thought it better myself"

"Yeah whatever, and you'll be staying with me until you and Abby get official or whatever you want to call it because that's when my man will come home"

"Okay let the games begin"


Finally, the house is situated to me and Abby's liking. It feels homey but elegant much alike my angel I can't wait for her to see all of this and knowing I haven't stopped loving her and will never stop.

I don't care who comes into the picture (Caleb) I still know she loves me just how I love her. Our relationship will be how it was only this time I will do everything in my power to keep her by my side losing her once was tragic I can't go through that again.

Nothing was the same when she left my days didn't feel sunny like it used to. I woke up with an attitude and went to sleep with one sometimes I'd cry but then I started to drink and make bad choices one being Stacy.

I can't blame her completely seeing as she is the one who brought me back to my angel, so I thank her for that.

"Now let the games begins"


"Okay so what now"

"Well first we offer to take her on a date but not a date"

"What do you mean Ethan?"

"Well to us it's a date but what we'll tell her is that we really wanted to spend some time with her just the three of us"

"Okay I'm following."

"And then after We'll bring her here to watch a movie but no touchy stuff, we need her to make the first move not us"

"But what if she looks irresistible what am I supposed to do than"

"She always looks like that, and you're not supposed to do anything unless she does something first"

"Okay but don't get mad if I grab her ass"

"Liam this is serious"

"Okay no touching got it"

"Alright now all you have to do is make the call"

"Why me?"

"Because she maybe has stopped answering mine"

"That's because you keep sending her love poems during the night"

"I can't help it I get lonely, and I want my baby girl back"

"Yeah, whatever I'll call her"

I sit on the couch while Liam calls Abby asking if she's free to go on our 'get together' and I pray that she agrees.

Waiting for him to hang up the phone is a drag, every time I try and get close, he always tells me to hold on and walks away somewhere else while he talks it's getting really annoying.

He finally comes into the room with a bright smile plaster onto his face.

"She said yes"

"Good that's great Okay so now-"

"I wasn't finished yet, next week she said she wasn't available so instead we're going tonight get ready we meet her at eight"

"Liam it's seven!"

"I know hurry up"
"I'm going to fucking kill you" I say before taking off into the direction of my room hurrying to get ready.

I look over myself in the mirror and I know she'll approve.

"So let the games begin"



I walk to the door where I wait for Ethan to get dressed and ready to go.

I'm excited about this date and I know this what I've planned for tonight will be the thing me and Ethan needs to get her back. It probably will give us a better chance once we officially start with our plan seeing as this is just too warm her up to us.

Talking to my baby and being near her again will be the highlight of my life. These past two years have been hard, and I need her to calm me down with just her presence.

She's sweet and warm all the things that make me feel at home when I'm with her I will never let go and I know she hasn't forgot about me or Ethan we just have to show her how true our love for her is.

Once she dumps Caleb and gets from Michael's grasp, we can finally be a family again without no complications.

Not even Mark seeing as him and Stacy are together and Abby hasn't mentioned him so that's a good sign, Zack being miles away not even knowing the whereabouts of my Abby gives us a bigger chance to make this plan so as it should.

"I'm ready" Ethan calls running out the door to the car while I laugh at him.

"Finally let the games begin"


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Shit is about to get real now so my reader I prepare you for the roller coaster of Abby's life.

I can't wait to see who wins in the end.

Who do you think will?

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