Chapter 6

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It's been weeks since Ethan's told me about Abby's whereabouts and I couldn't be happier that today we're finally moving to Florida, still waiting to get the green light for moving into our home somewhere closer to her job of course.

Ethan was to Incompetent to find out where she stays. So, for now this will have to do until I come to Florida and solve this problem.

I know when my baby sees me and Ricky, she's going to be so happy. We're going to have so much fun and catch up for missed time I wonder how she turned out.

My phone rings breaking me from my thoughts of happiness. Ethan's name pops up and I answer immediately hoping it's good news.

"Ethan what happened"

"Well, I have good news and bad news so pick which one first"

"Uh good"

"Okay so the home is available for us to move in now I talked to the realtor, and everything went fine so get your plane ticket"

"That's all I needed to hear everything in the house is packed up I told Aunt Susan that we're moving so that's good all I need to do now is get on a plane"

"Okay and now for the bad news"


"Well, I thought it was only rumored Abby was dating Black"

"Who? Black as in Caleb Black?"

"Yeah, they are dating apparently they've been on so many dates and I see them kissing. Looks like they are really enjoying their selves"

"Ethan you idiot if you would have played it like I told you she wouldn't have been dating anyone"

"Don't blame me I had to get the house settled remember and the stuff dealing with our company expanding how am I supposed to watch everything she does"

"I should have been there I could've stayed in the hotel or whatever my bad I put a lot on your plate"

"It's okay I know I feel like shit also but that's not going to get her back we need a plan, and we need one now"

"Well did you find Michael"

"Actually, no it's like the guy doesn't exist here no job or anything"

"So, he's making Abby work, but he isn't I can't wait to see him"

"Me too but listen I have to go deal with something really fast but be on the next plane here with Ricky"

"You're going to stalk Abby at work I see"

"Oh, shut up after two years I deserve to be near her as much as possible"

We bid our goodbyes hanging up the phone call. I look outside to see the white BMW that we bought for Abby, she didn't take it, I knew she loved this car I should bring it along instead of calling a cab.

Deciding that's what I'm going to do I quickly pack as much stuff that could fit into the small car before sending for the other things later. On my way to Florida and I couldn't be more excited to see how my baby turned out I can't wait until she's in my arms safe with me and my brother again this time things are going to be different. Better.



"Mike he's been coming to my job every day for the past week what am I supposed to do"

"Quit you don't need the job anyway I told you from the start I can take care of us"

"I know but I want to be independent and to do that I want to make my own money mike"

"Abby listen to me we can move away again just like last time if you really want to get away from Ethan again"

"I can't do that neither can you I have Caleb now and you are finally happy it wouldn't be fair to make you pack up everything again for me"

I lay on my bed exhausted from today's work of course Ethan had to show up and annoy me again. Caleb's starting to ask questions and I hate to lie to him; I'm scared to tell him the truth.

Michael lays next to me mirroring my sadden expression. He's my other half I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have him with me for these past two years. He was the reason I pushed myself every day the biggest support system since my parents' death.

"I love you so much Mikey"

"I love you to Abbs"

"I hate that nickname"

"I hate that one to"

We laugh but then become serious. Without him I wouldn't know what to do.

I lay on his chest while he caresses my hair in a soothing motion. I love this feeling being under him I feel safe from all the words problems.

"I don't know what I'll do without you"

"Me either"

He pulls something from his pocket and sits up with me in his lap. The position we were in made me feel like a baby, I tried to move but he held me in place.

"I want you to wear this at all times and I will wear mine" he pulls a necklace from the box he was holding.

I look at the gold and read what it says. I smile from ear to ear when I see them both put together.

 I smile from ear to ear when I see them both put together

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"Partners in crime"

"Always so don't you for a second think that we can't pack up and move again I'm with you through it all Abby you broke my shell and changed me into the person I am today you showed me life was more than what my mom tried to make it seem and I will always admire you for that"

"I love you so much Mikey" I hug him tight, he returns it. He puts the necklace onto me, and I do the same to him.

I look down at my necklace admiring everything about it. I remember when we first left and I knew from that day forward he was my partner in crime me and mike against the world when I don't have anybody, I know I have him.

"Let's go to bed"


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Aww Michael and Abby are so cute😘

Too bad their only best friends or are they😳

How do you feel about Michael and Abby's friendship🤔

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