Chapter 21 - Zayn's P.O.V:

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No, no, no, no, no.. Please, God, please please please, let him be okay! I ran down the path leading downwards onto the ground, and I nearly fell over my feet 3 times on the way. I reached Niall's limp and whimpering body, dropping to my knees beside him.

"Niall, stay with me, okay?" Ripping my phone out of my pocket and dialling 999, totally forgetting the number that goes directly to ambulance's, so I wasted precious time then.

I gave them the directions to here, but they were asking his name, my name and more other pointless shit, wasting time, "His name is Niall Horan, mine is Zayn Malik, he's 18, birthday is 13th of September, anything else? Would you like his shoe size?"

The operator asked what happened, "Oh for fuck sake, he dropped off of the edge of the cliff, can you just please save him?" I demanded, then the woman told me to make sure he stays awake and breathes evenly.

Putting my phone next to Niall's head, I stroked back bits of hair off of his forehead, starting to sing to him with tears streaming down my face, Niall's eyes were flickering closed for a moment, then they would open five seconds later,

Stay With Me Don't Fall Asleep To Soon

The Angels Can Wait For A Moment

Stay With Me Don't Fall Asleep Too Soon

The Angels Can Wait For A Moment

Don't Cry For Me When I'm Gone

No Point Of Wasted Tears

Our Time Will Come One Day And I'm Just Confronting My Fears

Though it's Not Really A Fear it's More Like A Destiny

Some Times I Sit And Wonder Is This Life Really For Me,

'Coz I've Seen, Heard, Felt, I'm Done.

I Hope Your Proud Of Where I've Come,

You've Seen Me Grown And Helped Me Through,

An There Is No Repaying You,

I'm Here And I Feel Like I'm Delaying You,

Betraying You,

An When I'm Gone I Hope There's Someone's Saving You

The ambulance came after 10 minutes, jheez if felt like a life time, but Niall was still with me, he'll be fine, he'll get better, then we'll move away from this area, buy our own house, get married and adopt some children, live happily ever after.

If only it were that simple. They put Niall on one of those stretcher things, and wheeled him into the back of the van, I climbed up, seeing one of the medics was about to get me out I gave him one evil look and he continued with what he was doing, his back to me.

Sitting next to Niall, I held his hand and stroked back bits of hair, kissed his temple, rubbed his hand, just to prove to myself he was still with me. My heart was going crazy, i'm absolutely scared, he nearly died, no, he's not leaving me so easily!

Once we reached the hospital and the doctor people got his breathing under control and made sure he was still okay and with us, they pulled up to A&E and wheeled him through, but I was literally forced to stay in the waiting room. I sat on the chair quietly after I called Liam and Harry to come over.

I love him. Why would he do this? Niall loves me don't he? Why would Nialler put me through this if he did love me? I'm not letting him go, he's mine, no matter what happens.

I should've protected him, it was my responsibility to save him from himself, I let him jump, I didn't stop him in time, I failed! I'm a total failure! Just...  WHY? That's all I really want to know, I saw Charlotte, but Niall knows better than to listen to he-

"HE'S MY BROTHER! HE IS NOT DYING!" Louis ran into the waiting room, I stood up and pulled him into a hug, and he broke down there, Louis's knees gave away and he almost dropped, but I caught him and cuddled up to him, needing a hug too.

"My little brother.." Louis kept on whispering, crying into my shoulder, and another pair of arms wrapped around us, curly hair coming into view, Harry's eyes were red too, "He-he's goin' to be.. fine right?" Louis asked, looking up at me, wiping away at the tears on his stained face.

"Shh.. He'll be fine, just don't show you're worried when we're allowed in the room, okay?" Louis nodded, looking like a little kid, cuddling back upto me, "Louis isn't taking it well, obviously." Harry whispered, obviously, Lou had known Niall first, and Louis cares about him, weather he shows it or not.

I picked up Louis, carrying him bridal style and I sat on the chair I was in 4 minutes ago and put him on my lap, letting him bury his face into my neck and I felt the tears steadily soak my neck, then Liam ran into the room, his gaze looking for us and it landed on us a second later, and Liam ran upto us and hugged us, he wasn't crying, but you could tell he would burst into tears any second.

Wow, Louis looks scared, Harry looks defeated, I just feel like shit. Other people in the waiting room were watching us, and some had discusted looks on their faces, but I just looked away, I don't really wanna cause no more trouble, I'll end up hurting someone, badly.

A doctor walked into the room, calling out someone elses name and my mood literally dropped from bad to worse.


Three other people were called by different doctors, until it was my turn to have the news, "Mr Malik?" I waved my hand, Louis was sleeping on me, whimpering in his sleep and my other arm was supporting him, other wise he would drop onto the floor.

The doctor slowly walked other, looking over his clip board, "Hello, doctor Reid, you're Zayn..?" I nodded, then introduced the others,"Louis, Liam and Harry.."

"Well.. Nice to meet you lads, I've got some slightly good news, but also some bad news, and well you're already sitting so..."




'Nother cliff hanger.. ;)

I'm evil!! Tehehe

Vote Comment and Fannn my Mofos! Hehehe, the comments on the last chapter actually made me fangirl, thank you so much :')

Sarss xx

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