Chapter 16 - Niall's P.O.V:

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Yeah, so watch the video, or at 10.35pm on the nearest Tuesday, you will die. Depending on where you live and how far away from my house you are, I might be late, so bare with me. Thanks. :D

Anyways, sorry for the really late update, I've been meaning to update for ages, just haven't had the time, SORRY!!

Saraah xx


Ha ha, Zayn looked as if he would jump on me and refuse to move until I told him where I was taking him. I couldn't tell him, I had it planned perfectly, and most of it was meaning to be a surprise, let's just hope that he thinks I'm gonna take him Nandos or something.

Not gonna lie, I was thinking of taking Zayn there. Louis slapped me around the head for suggesting it, then chose something much more posh and expensive. Pfft, spending my money.

I rung up the extremely exaggerated pricing restaurant, making sure they were ready, that they have cleared all of the stuff I asked them too, then after I was assured that they were done, I went to get dressed, after having a shower.

I wore a red polo shirt, white chinos and dark blue Supras, I didn't own any item that looked good enough to walk into there, but this will do, I'm paying extra am I not?

**Zayn's P.O.V**

When I walked into my house, I worried about what to wear. Okay, let me make a mental checklist.

1. ...Shower. Don't really wanna smell now, do I?

2. Figure out what I'm too wear, I would probably doubt that he wouldn't like me being naked right in front of him, but there is probably gonna be people around, so that's a massive no-no.

3. Get my selection on - again, same reason for number 2.

4. Make sure I look my absolute sexiest - Yeah, I'm naturally hot, but I wanna look good tonight.

That's more or less the plan, I went the shower, turning on the hot water and waited for it to warm up before stepping into the good feeling of the heated splatter against my skin.

Once I got out, I wrapped my pink towel (its what happens when you live in a house full of girls and no brothers.) around my waist and walked into my room, rummaging through my closet trying to find a perfect outfit.

Jebus (It's my new God, very unknown religion :L) I felt like a girl, but I needed to look presentable. (A/N: I got the idea of what to dress him in from my friend, so shout out to Natasha, because truthfully I didn't know how to dress him, SO.. LOVE YOU TASH!!) I pulled out my casual grey suit, and my blue and white and lumber jack button-up shirt.

I laid them on the bed, debating whether I should wear this, then I slipped the clothes on, knowing I made the right decision the instant I stood in front of my full length mirror and started smoothing out creases.

I did my hair, making sure it was as perfect as always, which obviously it was. As a joke, I started playing Joey Essex - Reem,

I'm looking hot tonight,

Louis's on my feet make me feel so nice. Totally laughed at that part.

Got my girls' right by my side,

gonna party til the morning light

I'm coming aliveeee, Step asideee

Take me up highh,

Tonight is the niightt...


I started doing Louis' 'Stop-The-Traffic-And-Let-Them-Through' move, then the 'Sprinkler'. Mid sprinkle, my phone started playing Lil Wayne, Chris Brown and David Guetta - I Can Only Imagine, and I dived to my phone, realizing Louis was out side waiting.

"Hi, er, I'm coming, I was just, er.." Louis was laughing.

"Yeah, Zayn, I heard the music." I could tell he was speaking the truth, so I just made sure I was still neat in my mirror, then went down, "I'll be a minute, mate." I hung up and grabbed some door keys, then got some spare paper and wrote a note for my mum explaining me and Niall's absence, then ran out.

Louis was dressed nicely, a black casual blazer ans trousers, but Black Air Force High Tops on his feet. I smirked at him, and he winked, "You're lookin' hawt boy! If only you weren't Niall's.. You know what I would do to you.." Louis bit his lip, then held the door open for me.

I blushed fiercely, its scary when your boyfriends' best friend says that too you. I sat down, waiting for him to come around to the drivers seat, "So do you know where he's planning to take me?" Lou looked at me, then burst out laughing, "Obviously, I'm driving you!"

Jeez, I only wanted to know! Louis started up the engine, then started along my road, and into the richer area that I only went to for when I had a lot of money to spend, through out the whole journey, the only question that came out of my mouth was either "Are we there yet?" Or "Where are you taking me?"

Lou wouldn't say, he just kept on saying, "Wait and see, babe." After like, the fiftieth time of me asking where we were going, and him getting EXTREMELY annoyed with me, Lou parked up. Mother of God, Niall's brought me to some overly posh and expensive restaurant.

Louis looked at me, "Niall, loves you. Fuck with him, you're dead, Harry will kill you if I don't beat him to it, but now I know exactly where you live, so be aware." He looked serious through out his speech, then he exploded into a large smile.

Nodding, I jumped out of the car, well rather fell out and looked around.

"Where do I-" Before I finished my sentence, two arms came around my waist and lips were against my neck, "You go with me, thanks Louis, much appreciated." Niall took his arms away from around my waist, then intertwined our fingers together and pulled me across the road to the front of the waiting line.

Niall said his name, a few seconds passed and then a blonde woman led us through all of the tables, then opening a glass door, holding it open for us. Wow, Niall planned this big time!

There was one single table decorated with a white table cloth and tall candles in the middle of the table on the concrete, there was a area of grass over near the back, but there was no roof over it, but to have some sort of shelter, there was a wooden gazebo, then there was red rose trellises around the grassy area against the wall, just taller than me.

Within the gazebo, were 3 boys standing around another lad playing a guitar that I had seen before, not quite sure where though, I waved at the other boys though, "Hey, boys." Harry grinned while Louis waved excitedly, and Liam gave me a thumbs-up.

Niall smiled at me when I turned to him, and held out his hand. I took it immediately, then he led me to the table, held out the chair and sat opposite me, as soon as we sat down, a large dish was set in front of us, and the lid was lifted, I burst out laughing.

Spaghetti bolognese! "Thought I should do a Lady and the Tramp thingy here." Niall grinned, I grabbed the fork and twirled it in the pasta, "Any excuse to kiss me, babe." I winked, and Ni smirked, "If I wanted to kiss you, I'll do it." Hmm, confident much?

I smiled, "Couldn't've picked a less messy food?" Niall grinned and shook his head, eating his mouthful, "I wanted this night to be memorable, even if its the small thing like food." I considered that, and he held my hand, then continued talking, and I couldn't help but watch his beautiful pink lips.

Once I had all I could eat and Niall finished my share, I sat back, "Zayn, I love you." In the back ground, I heard Louis got 'aw', I sat up again, "I love you too, Ni."

"I literally mean it, I know we've been together a couple of days, and we've been talking for like, 3 weeks, but I have this feeling that I will always love you, I believe I have never felt this way about anyone, and I dont think I will feel this way ever again."

Once he finished talking I smiled, leaned over the table and kissed his, "Love you too," I whispered against his lips. I sat back down, then ice cream was set down in front of us, I gave Niall a 'really' look and used my cream that was decorated around the edge and put it on the tip of his nose.

Once we'd finished, Niall grinned then stood up ran over to the boys and grabbed the guitar, "I'll be taking you some where!" He grinned.. Oh gosh, please just tell me...

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