Chapter 2 - Zayn's P.O.V:

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I grinned at the back of his head leaving the class. SERIOUSLY!? The school's biggest 'badboy' is gay? The one I've liked for like, six years is freaking gay? God he is so beautiful. Aww, the way he blushed when he let it slip that he was gay!

I grabbed my bag throwing it over my shoulder and following his path. It was as easy as following a dirt track that everyone walks along. Even though I couldn't see his blonde hair as he had his hood up, and he was wearing a casual hoodie with black school trousers, I could still catch his trail, I walked about a meter behind him, smirking at the looks people were giving me, literally their eyes were saying "Sweet lord your life is in danger, move your ass away from him!"

I laughed at how he cleared a hallway just by walking along, people moved to the sides of the corridor, not moving back until he was out of their sight, and the conversation that was paused mid-word would continue under their breaths.

Pssh, pathetic! The second bell went, and people were let into their classes then the hall ways were clear, Niall was walking really slow, looking down at his phone, I noted what part of the school we were in and realised the familiar lockers in their rows, and jogged closer to him and dragged him down a empty one, free of any late collectors.

He struggled against my grip at the top of his arm then I completely lost the grip of him so I grabbed his forearm and he slapped away my hand, pulling his arm away at the same time, giving me a death glare within this process.

"Don't ever touch me again, boy." He threatened, and I just rolled my eyes, looking down at his fore arm, "So what's wrong with your arm?" I asked, he ignored my question then pulled down the sleeves on his black hoodie, and avoided my eyes, "So what did you want man?" He pulled down his hood and looked at me, "Stop acting please, I know this isn't how you normally talk. So talk like yo actually would 'bruv'."

He gave me a evil look, about to say something then his face went blank for about 10 seconds then he looked vunerable. I smiled, "Good turtle." He frowned then looked down again, and I watched him, watching as he played with his sleeve, then he looked up, "Why did you bring me here again?" He whispered, God, I didn't think he put it on that badly, and why did I bring him here? To make out with him and have him kis- Getting real now, "Uhh, come libary with me, our teacher can't say anything because, 1. I was with you and 2. we went to a libary, no where else."

He nodded, then walked in the wrong direction, "Uh, wrong way mate." He casually did a U-turn and nodded, looking away from my face to the ground, then looked up at my face, "Shows how much I visit this stupid place." I grinned as he walked away, now going in the right direction, "I'll follow you, then."

I couldn't help but look at his arse, he was so beautiful and he didn't know it. I so badly wanted to tell him, but didn't want to give it away that I'm gay too. We walked up the stairs and down the corridor in silence, me 2 steps behind him.

When we got in, he was about to walk straight past but I grabbed him by the hood and dragged him back so he can sign in. We went to a shelf with fiction books, and I picked up one that looked interesting, we were meant to do a long ass report on a book of our choice, and I was flicking through it and Niall tried looking over my shoulder, but he was shorter, and had bad balance so he frequently pressed against me to stop himself from falling over. He kept on wobbling for about 2 minutes, until I sighed.

"Just hold onto me, you'll make yourself look like a retard without any balance." I heard him snort and then he put his arms around my waist, interlocking his fingers and resting his hands on my abdolemen. My heart sped up a bit, but I remained silent, "I was thinking of doing that, but I didn't want your precious ovaries to explode on me." He laughed.

Oh I am so going to get him back for that the little cheeky bitch, "Still not entirely sure what I'll be teaching you now that I'm your tutor." He stopped laughing, then I looked to the left and saw his mouth formed a small 'o' and then he winked, "Kinky!" He smirked, "What you reading?" I showed him the front cover and he nodded, "Just realised you didn't deny the fact that you have got ovaries!"

"Yeah, well you'll have to do more than this to make me explode over you." Total lies, I am so stupid. "Really? What about this..?" He leant forwards, then lightly kissed my neck, I forced myself to keep a blank face, as he peaked at my reaction through his long lashes, then someone coughed, and Niall pulled away, turning red, "No sexual contact in the libary please." The woman said that was at the desk when we signed in.

She walked away, helping someone else and I turnt to him, and he backed away from me, looking at the ground "Since when did you listen to people?" He looked at me for a moment, "Since I got told to act like me around you." I rolled my eyes then pressed my body against his.

"If the real you doesn't want to play around and is gonna care for what people say about him, I really want the fake version of you babe." OH MY GOD! The damn 'babe' slipped out and he just smirked at it.

"You'll get what you're given.. Babe." He winked, and we continued to joke until the bell went, signalling the second period had finished, and we both jumped at the sound of it, and looked around confusedly, "Break." He finally said, then his phone started ringing, "Yo? Yeah, jus' inda libary innit. Nah, I'll meet you at norm place. Ite, bless, love you too." Niall hung up and smiled at me, then gave me a hug.

Then I leant down and kissed him lightly on the lips and I instantly regretted doing it, he looked embaressed, then he looked down for a moment and looked back at me, "Zayn! Don't look rejected!" He leant up and kissed my lips lightly, then smiled, "See you later."

He walked away, my lips tingling from the two times they contacted Niall's lips, and he left me in a daze, standing there thinking if I was dreaming of him again or not..


Heeey again :) Well, chapter 2 is now uppp! Wooo, I was happy when I saw that someone added this to their libary and when I got a comment to upload soon, I had to stop myself from screaming. As you can see, I get hyped up easily.

But anyways, comment, vote, fan? Thankss :)

Sarahh x

I'll Follow You - Ziall fanfic BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now