Chapter 7 - Niall's P.O.V:

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I just realised, the chapters are in the correct order, thank all Gods! This is one of my favorite chapters I've already planned, but there's definately one thats better to come!

There's probably some spelling errors, ignore them :)

Sarah x


To wake up next to the sexiest, most beautiful boy that you've loved for around six years is a little bit of a fan girl moment. To feel the warmth radiating from him and his body to yours is overwhelming. To have him accept you laying on his is just a exciting life event. I looked up at his face, "Uhh... Zayn? Wha-? Where the fuc-"

He chuckled, "You fell asleep on me and suddenly we appeared here." I rolled my eyes at him, trying not to laugh"Only been a couple of days and you've already got me to sleep with you!" I conplained, then was about to ask the time but the bell went and all of a sudden, loads of kids started walking towards the main gates, and started walking out.

I rolled over and got up, getting head rush, wobbling then steadying myself within 30 seconds, "Where to?" I asked, stretching and he tilted his head to the side, thinking of possibilities, where could we go? "Well.. We could go to my house?" He raised a eye brow, waiting for my answer to that briliant suggestion. Picking up my bag then nodding, I walked up the hill and down the hill, going to the bus stop he waited at.

When we got on the bus, we sat near the middle, him letting me sit next to the window and we started talking. I didn't even care if people saw us together, I was to tired to care about peoples' opinions right now. After another of my many 10-minute laughs, I ran a hand through my hair, groaning. I went into his bag and brought out his mirror, gasping at my messy hair, "Oh my God! Look at what you did to my hair! I'm never sleeping with you again!"

In front of us, a girl jumped up after hearing that ans yelled, "TOLD YOU!" the girl sitting next to her pulled her by the arm until she sat back down, "Yes, fine, they had sex now shut up before they hear!" I laughed, they think-

I laughed harder, "Did you hear her?" I managed in between laughs, he was laughing at this too, I calmed down as he nodded, "Far from it, I've never even seen you topless." He stopped laughing, but a visible smirk plastered on his face, "Wanna see then?" He didn't wait for my answer, just started undoing his shirt, then let it hang there, and I looked at his perfectly formed body, tattoo's, beautifully tanned, "That it?"

Zayn's face when I said that- Oh my gosh it was so funny! "You don't like it?" He asked, and in my head I was agreeing so much, wanting to touch so badly, by the faces of other females, they wanted to same thing, "You think you're sexy? Who told you that?" His eyes widened.

"Everyone?" He said as if it was the most obvious answer in the world. I leant forward, running a finger over his body, leaning forwards, lips near his ear, "You are.." I whispered, feeling his breath on my neck. Why the hell is he letting me do this? Just as I thought that, he laughed in my ear, "C'mon, this is our stop, and you can't seduce me that easily, my name is not Harry Styles!" He got up, walked towards the stairs looking like the sexy God he is.

Following him, trying to look else where away from his open shirt, epicly failing, reaching his side just as the bus came to a jolting stop, causing me to loose balance and fall on him, causing him to loose his own balance, land on his butt on the step and try to stop me from falling down the stairs. I got off of the bus, Zayn following, bumping into a lot of people in the process as I could'nt see from laughing too hard.

Off the bus, we were trying to calm down, failing for 2 minutes then I stopped laughing, a large smirk was still on my face, I slapped his arm, "TAG!!" I yelled, running away like a little girl giggling, looking back at him.

Damn he is sexy. Concentrating on him slowed me down, now people wonder why I don't pay attention in class? It distracts you from running. He caught up to me, grabbing me around the waist, laughing in my ear, causing me to shiver in delight. Oh no! he must've felt that! I shouted in my head, but he just put his arm around  my shoulders and directed me to his house, still smiling. When we got in, "Go up, room on the left, you can't get lost, I'll be up with food in about 5 minutes."

"Well, obviously you don't know Niall Horan if you think I can't get lost!" I followed the directions, then peaked my head through the door which I guessed it to be his, and I did some little celebration inside my head, getting the right room on first go.

It was very basic, a double bed against the very far wall, black sheets on it, a table with a 42" T.V resting on it, speakers either side of the TV, Ps3 Xbox and a Wii on the small shelf under it. A desk near the TV, a laptop opened on top of it, but the laptop was off. A closet against another wall on the right, a full length mirror attached to the door of it. I sat on the pillow of his bed, instantly standing back up, something was under the pillow, and it felt rather pointy. I moved the cushion out of the way, seeing a A5-sized diary.

Picking it up, I looked at the first page, 'This book thing belongs to Zain Jawaad Malik, but Harry Styles is one sexy child!' The last sentence was written in a different hand writing which I identified as Harry's. Typical of him to write that! I read through the first entry by Harry and Zayn, which was kind of amusing, they were arguing on paper.

I was so caught up in what they were callin eachother, that I didn't hear Zayn come in or what he said until he took the diary away, just as I was going to snatch it back, his face stopped me. He looked scared, "What did you read?" Zayn said, chucking the diary onto his desk, not seeing where it landed, "Only the first part with you and Harry.. Is there something you don't.. wanna tell me..?" I whispered, pretending I was hurt at the motion of this, but really I was damn curious.

"No! No, Niall, it doesn't matter, I'll tell you some other time, please don't be upset about it!" I looked down at my lap, I know this is evil of me to do, but I want to know, Zayn tried getting me to lift my head up, but I refused, he leant down and I looked away.

"How can I make it up to you?" Zayn asked, fiddling with my hair. I looked at him from the corner of my eye, smirking, "Depends, what did you make in the kitchen?" Zayn laughed, then went to the desk and passed the plate that was sitting on it. Oh my God he made a cheese toasty! YUMMY! I ate that, then went through his films.. "What you wanna watch?" I asked, looking back at him on the chair at the desk, "You choose, oh and my mum's going to be back at 'bout 8.30."

Nodding, I looked through the films, picking a whole set of the same films: Resident Evil, Apocolypse, Extinction and Afterlife.

It's gonna be a long night...

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