A soft chuckle left his soft lips. He really liked [Name], but, how couldn't he? Those [eye color] orbs that seemed to glow like fire one moment, but then would seem to shine as a serene river the next. She was dedicated to her work, and quite skilled at it. She would always make enough time to keep him busy...

'You have no idea how much that means to me, [Name],' he thought. However, his blissful thoughts were interrupted by his father's words.

"Son! Be careful! You should just drive in the limo with me for the ride home." Luke felt a beat of sweat go down his forehead. He really did prefer a simpler lifestyle than his father was living, so the thought of riding in a limo really didn't settle well with him.

"Father, I much rather getting fresh air. There doesn't seem to be too much of that here, though." He had muttered the last part under his breath. Mr. Humijay didn't seem very joyful at his son's decision, but he knew that there was no changing his mind. He and his wife had invited their son to come to the city so he could realize that living in the city really wasn't such a bad thing. Their friends would tell them how they had heard people going crazy from living in the country by themselves.

"It makes their minds work too much, and along with solitude, it eventually drives them to the point of insanity," the rich family friends had gossiped. That was why there were going to pass the company down to him soon.

"Fine, son..." he sighed in defeat, too exhausted to start an argument about such a subject. After the company said goodbye to each other, they left. Luke went down his usual way home. The streetlights were lighting every street, so the stars were seemingly nonexistent that night. Luke despised this. He loved nature, and the city was the exact opposite of nature. Sure, they had a park in the middle, but that was kind of like a 'here, we really don't give a leaf about the environment, so here is a little part'.

His thoughts (as per usual) drifted to [Name]. Oh, how he would like to take her away from here. His place in the countryside would be large enough for them both. He knew it was stupid, but he could already see a future with her. Maybe... they could start a family.

The young man was too absorbed in his daydreaming that he failed to realize the only other figure on the street slowly coming up behind him.

Lui held the glinting knife in his hoodie; his scars across his face seemed to twist along with his lips, which were now in a grin of malice.

"How dare he try to steal our [Name]?" Sully monologued in his host's mind. "She belongs to us. We have been protecting her from all danger ever since her family died. Then he comes along and acts like he can have her all to himself. Oh~, how very wrong he is~. Very wrong indeed~."

"I'm not exactly thrilled with having to share her with you, either, Sully," the young man growled under his breath. His split personality acted hurt, which caused Lui to roll his forest green eyes in response. Luke seemed to notice the noise, because he was starting to turn around.

"NOW!" The two seemed to work in sync to tackle the man to the ground and punch him in the face. While he was dazed, Lui pulled out the knife that he had been saving for just this occasion. He had spent the past few nights watching where he would walk, then watch his precious [Name] while she slept. During this, he kept sharpening his small blade, until it was the perfect shape and sharpness. With most of his victims, he would use the same knife, since he didn't really care if it was more torturous or not (except if he was having a bad day, of course.) But, Luke, oh, Luke was different. He had tried to take away his sweet [Name], so he would make sure that his death would be torturous and painful.

The blade of the short weapon seemed to gleam with the same amount of malice that was on Lui's face. It reflected the light of the waxing crescent moon, which hung in the sky, watching the scene play out, as if it were a play by Shakespeare himself. "Do it," an unknown voice seemed to whisper into his ear. His rough hand gripped Luke's neck, causing him to gasp out for air.

"Wh... who are you?" he managed to get out. The once calm green eyes were now widened in insanity, his patience for the cries to begin wearing low.

"I'm a horrific creature, here to deal punishment to anyone who tries to get close to her." He hit the word her especially hard, and it sent chills down Luke's spine.

"H-." His eyes widened before coughing wildly. The blade was driving into his lower abdomen, and warm, velvet blood began to leak over the handle and drip onto the sidewalk.

"Yes, her," the attacker whispered before ripping the blade out and stabbing him in various places, all except from the chest, of course. He couldn't die just yet! Where would the fun be then? Lui and Sully's attacks were cut short when they heard a scream. A young woman was on the phone, getting an ambulance.

"We can take her," Sully said darkly and cockily. However, Lui hesitated. She looked too much like her... He then heard Luke's phone go off. It was you, calling to let him know that you got home safely. Lui smiled a little, and then took off.

He'd have to finish this another day.

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