Forced Silence~Newt~ Part 3

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A/N I'm going to be writing in past tense from now on :) Warning feels and plot twists ahead.

"Y/N? Hello?" Newt waved a hand in front of your face. He looked in to your eyes and for a second you forgot about Gally.

You looked at him, reluctantly tearing your eyes from Gally.

"Never mind it's not important," he mumbled under his breath. He seemed annoyed.

You nod and go back to your staring. You don't have to kill Gally. Your voice doesn't matter that much to you; however, they knew that. Which is why if you don't murder him they will kill someone themselves.



Night has come. Darkness fell over the Glade. This would be the best time to- you couldn't even think it. You have to though, if not they will kill the only person you ever loved.

You knew Newt before all of this, you used to be so close, you wonder how you could ever forget him. But you did forget. You forgot the sleepless nights over why Wicked would take you both. You forgot that he was your best friend. You forgot how you cried when they put him in the glade. You most importantly forgot his kiss goodbye.

Wicked found a way to erase all of your memories, specifically how to temporarily erase yours. They flooded back to you and you wished they hadn't. Now your forced to do something you don't think you're capable of. Murder.

You have to though. For Newt.

You shakily swiped a knife earlier from the kitchens. Everyone had gone to bed now. You slowly got up from your hammock. Someone was snoring loudly about 3 hammocks behind you. Tiptoeing around a few boys on the floor, you made your way closer to the front. That was where Gally slept.

"Y/N," someone whispered. "Is that you?"

Newt. Aka the last person you wanted to wake tonight. Maybe if you ignored him and stood really still, he wouldn't notice.

No such luck. "What are you doing up?" he slowly got to his feet and held on to your arm.

You silently prayed thanks that you weren't holding the knife in your left hand.

"Can't sleep?" He asked softly.

You lied and shook your head yes.

"Want to um, lie down?" he nervously scratched his head.

You knew you shouldn't nod. You knew it would only make things harder. You knew he would hate you after what you did. You knew all these things.

You nodded.

He looked at you almost relieved. It was hard to tell, it was too dark to see much.

He sat back down, slowly pulling you down with him. You sank next to him, your back against his chest. It felt safe and familiar. His arm was wrapped around you and you let out a sigh.

This was a scene you never thought would happen. Cuddling with Newt, while secretly clutching a knife to your chest.

You listened as his breathing slowed and fell in to a steady rhythm. Now was your chance. You carefully lifted his arm off of you. You got on your knees and lifted your body up quietly.

You turned and gave Newt one last, longing glance. Goodbye.

You stalked out and refused to let your mind think of Newt. Gally was all that was important, you found yourself stalling, you don't know if you can do this. A knife is so personal. Could you really take someone's life?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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