The Accidental Kiss ~Newt~

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Request sent by- xxdisney-chaxxx "can you do when the reader comes up in the box an makes a run for it but gets tackled by newt from he front so then they accidently kiss?"

A/N Sorry this is so late :( Hope you enjoy!

Panic rushes through you. You are in a small box-like compartment, and you cant breathe.

You're hyperventilating now. You pound your fists on the caged walls. You can't  even scream. Your mind is racing and it suddenly occurs to you that you cant remember anything.

Not even your name.

Your hands shake uncontrollably. They are bleeding now. (Probably from hitting the walls so hard.) You cant see it but you can feel it in the dark.

The the ceiling opens, light blinding you.

You have to get out. Now.

You start climbing up the cage walls. Your fingers finding holes in the side to pull yourself up. You make it to the top and use all the arm strength you can muster to push yourself up.

You stand fully up on the grass and lift your head. A  group of about 30 boys areall staring at you in awe and shock.

All boys.

Terror is now shooting through you. You look around to see a clearing in front of you. With a couple of hut like buildings.

But what scares you, perhaps the most, was the insanely tall towering walls surrounding this place.

Their is an opening between the walls straight ahead. If you ran you can make it.

Adrenaline gives you a boost, so you use it and you run.

The boys are yelling and chasing you now. They start to come at you from all sides. One flew to your right. You spin and dodge him. One tries to jump you from behind and you take a step to the left. He falls right on his face. You can't help but laugh.

You jerk your head up to suddenly see a boy running at you from the front.

It was too late to jump out of the way. He front tackles you. Landing on top of you.

His head falls forward. His lips meet your lips.

Oh my gosh he just accidently kissed me.

You hear shouts and other boys cheering. You push the boy off of you, breaking the connection.

His face was red from a blush. "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. I'm Newt by the way," he nervously rubs the back of his neck and then sticks out his hand.

You begin laughing, which probably looks kind of scary.

When he tackled you and you fell, you suddenly remembered your name, Y/N.

"What's so funny?" Newt hesitantly chuckled.

"I don't know whether to kick you or thank you. But I remember my name now. Its Y/N." you laugh.

You grab Newt's face and kiss him again.

You hear the other boys cheers, but you don't care. He kissed you back and after a couple seconds you pulled away.

"Thank you," you mumble.

"But I really need to go now."

You stand up and wave.

You're about to run back to the opening, when Newt grabs your hand.

"Y/N, you cant go out there into the maze."


"Let me explain. Please?"

You sit down. "Shoot."


He leads you to a hammock, where others surround it.

"Here's my hammock, you can sleep here tonight."

You look at him questionably. You raise an eyebrow.

"No, I'll find somewhere else to sleep," he chuckles lightly.

"Good," You roll your eyes. "And Newt?"


"Thank you."

A/N Short and sweet, baby. Just like me. I'm dying I'm not short lol. I'm like tall. I hope. Well anyways I tried to make the reader confidant, strong, and decisive. So basically we could get some action ;) Okkkkk I'm kidding, don't kill me. 656 words. Not bad.

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