I Saved Your Butt~Minho~

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Description- Minho gets stung by a griever; he gets hurt and you have to save his butt.

A/N Sorry I haven't wrote in a while. My little siblings are crazy lol.

Minho runs ahead of me, barely touching the ground; his feet flying. "Wait for me!" You yell.

"Hurry up, you slow poke," he teasingly yells back at you.

Your legs are tired and sore, after all you've been running all day. Sweat drips in to your eyes and you hastily wipe it on your arm sleeve.

"I'm going as fast as I can," you complain. 

He whips his head back to look at you; not watching where he was going and slams in to a griever. The griever picks him up with his claws and the struggle is cut short.

You scream as it injects Minho with its needle. You run faster, thanks to the adrenaline boost. Minho's limp body; lying on the maze floor, doesn't move. You peer over at his face, his eyes flicker and he's knocked out.

You loop your arms around his and drag him back too the glade. His bodyweight is almost too much for you. You make painfully slow progress and you're sure you've gotten lost at least twice. 

The entrance suddenly appears as you make a sharp right. It looms as a reminder at freedom slowly slipping through your grasp. The walls are starting to creak shut. Your heart is thumping in your chest; only a few more feet. 

The boys all yell at you to hurry up, their scared faces urging you onwards. Their eyes tell all; they can not loose anyone else. No more. 

You collapse on to the grass as you hear the doors slam shut. You hear people yell to take Minho to the medjacks. Clint, Jeff, and the others lift Minho and take him away. You sleep, knowing he is safe.


You wake up on a firm bed. You groggily wipe your eyes, Minho lays next to you. You nudge him slightly and he stirs. His eyes open. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, just wanted to, ya know, make sure you weren't dead," you mutter.

He laughs, "Not yet at least."

"How long have we been out? Do you know?" You ask.

"A day, no biggie."

You mouth is slightly ajar. "That long?"

"Yeah but you saved my life, you know."

You look sideways at him and wink. "I know, I'm a hero, no biggie," you mimic. 

He laughs, "But seriously, thank you Y/N."

"You would've done the same for me."

He leans over and gives you a peck on the lips. You must've looked at him funny because he said, "Sorry it just felt right. I guess you don't feel the same.."

You gazed at his face he looked so vulnerable. As if he might break. "Minho I've liked you since I first met you," you smile.

His face suddenly lights up and he grabs you and kisses you. "Finally, it only took you saving my butt for me to gain the nerve to tell you."

You laugh. Nothing could be better than this moment.

A/N 519 words. Hope you enjoyed more to come <3

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