Not So Subtle Stares~Newt~

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Request sent by- Ellalouise1097 "I'd been in the glade for a couple months and i liked newt but didnt know he liked me back, Minho knew that both of us liked each other but never said anything. One day at dinner I was staring at newt, Minho pointed it out and newt started to get really nervous, you can make up the rest."

A/N Sorry it took so long for me to write. Also, I saw The Death Cure movie for my birthday with my bestie! It was super amazing, not very book accurate, but all the action made up for it!

Days turn to weeks and weeks turn to months for you. It has been 3 months in this shucking glade and you and the other gladers have found no way out yet. 

It is so hard for you being the only girl in the Glade, but all your friends make up for it. Some more than others. You smile as you think of Newt, your crush, and the only other soul who knows you like him is Minho.

Three months basically living with your crush, and he is still oblivious to your feelings. You thought it was so obvious. 

As you make your way to the Meadhall, Minho jogs to catch up to you. "Hey Y/N."

"Hey yourself," you nod back.

You both strut through and grab some of Frypan's famous slop. Sitting down at your regular table, you begin to start eating and you notice Newt as he sits down next to you. His hand slightly brushes your shoulder making you shiver.

"Hi, Newt," you say eagerly. 

"Hey, Y/N," he blushes.

Did he just blush?

As more gladers fill the small room, the chatter builds up. You rest your elbow on the table, completely lost in thought, you turn to face Newt and silently observe his face. Not creepily or longingly just observing.

Violent coughs break your silent daydream. "Why are you staring at Newt, Y/N?" Minho smirks.

"What? Umm I wasn't staring?"

Minho shrugs his shoulders, "Newt are you sweating? Whatever is your problem?"

Newt shifts his weight on the bench nervously and isn't making eye contact with you. "Nothing Minho, just seems to me like your enjoying yourself. Why?" He shoots him a warning look with his eyes.

"Is it not obvious? As much as I enjoy making you both squirm, I'm just going to come out and say it."

"Minho," you say warningly.

Ignoring your warning Minho continues, " Y/N likes you Newt and Y/N Newt likes you too."

You gasp and turn your body towards Newt, "Is this true?"

"I've always liked you. From the minute the box brought you up and not because your the only girl here," he chuckles.

You smile and let out a laugh. "Wait, Minho you knew we liked each other this whole time?"

He grins proudly, "Yep."

You lean across the table and punch his arm. "Thank you," you whisper in his ear.

He smiles, "Anytime, Greenie."

"Minho, it's been 3 months you can stop calling me that."


A/N So I'm not really proud of this imagine. I just could not think of any ideas. So i will probably re edit this in the future when I have more time. I just wanted to get a quick one out for you all. 547 words.

Vote, Comment, Rate or whatever you feel like :)


Newt, Thomas, Minho, ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now