The Fall ~Newt~

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A/N Just a short little imagine before I go on vacation ;)

Description- You get hurt in the maze and Newt takes care of you. Warning cheesy fluff ahead.

You're running as fast as you can, Minho is right on your tail. You can hear the grievers mechanical noises and by sound alone you can tell there not far off.

You are constantly tripping over your feet but catching your balance at the last second. Fast running isn't your forte, you're better at sprinting or jogging. Why were you even a runner?

Your mind is elsewhere so this time you're not so lucky, you trip and your knee makes contact with the hard stone ground. "Ahhhh!" you scream.

You're clutching your knee to your chest. Minho slowly helps you to your feet. You cant put any weight on your left leg, the pain is too much.

"Y/N put your arm around me, we need to get you to the glade," Minho commands.

Minho throws his am around you and you lean on him as you half run half stagger to the glade.

"Minho!" you yell. "The grievers are gaining!"

Minho mutters words under his breath and scoops you up bridal style.

"You're going to get blood all over my shirt," Minho whines.

You manage a laugh but the pain is so intoxicating you feel as if you're going to black out.

"Stay with me Y/N, you need to stay awake!" Minho nudges you.

Black dots are swarming your vision. You're slipping out of reality. The last thing you hear before the darkness swallows you up is a certain British boy yelling your name.


Someone is dabbing a cool rag on your forehead. You cant open your eyes their too heavy. You can feel yourself slowly regaining consciousness. Your eyes flutter open to be met with dim light. You carefully move your head to see someone you love.


"Y/N you're awake. Thank God!" Newt murmurs.

You suddenly remember what happened; the fall, your knee, and loosing consciousness. 

"Newt how long have I been out?" You ask worried.

"3 days Y/N. 3 days." "My knee how's my knee?"

"Good news or bad news first?" He asks carefully.

"Good news," You say.

"You get to be a gardener with me now." He smiles.

You grin you would love to work with Newt.

"And the bad news?" You ask.

"You're going to have a limp for the rest of your life," he said sorrowfully.

"You have a limp right?" You try to ask calmly.

"Yeah I do." Newt says with a nod of his head.

"Then we can be limp buddies together," you say putting your hand in his.

He laughs and nods his head. Newt kisses your forehead.

"You need to get some rest. Love you, Limp buddy," He laughs.

"But I did have rest, 3 days of it!" You complain.

"Well its currently night time so.."

"Can you stay and talk with me for a little longer?" You beg.

"Fine. Limp Buddy."

A/N Hehehehehehehehehe so fluffy. You are very welcome. 527 words. Not bad.

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Newt, Thomas, Minho, ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now