Never Too Far Gone~Newt~

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Request sent by missnihtshift "could you pleas do a Newt imagine, where the reader and newt have dated forever and the present time is 250. the reader has to convince newt to come with her to get the cure. you can decide weather or not she succeeds"

A/N Sorry its so late <3 If you want, listen too "Never Too Far Gone" by Jordan Feliz.


You jump in to the car with Thomas as you race to find Newt.

Your boyfriend, your oh so beloved boyfriend.

You didn't find him in Crank kingdom or whatever the heck that place was called.

You jumped in to the car because Thomas said he thought he saw a crank who looked suspiciously like Newt, in this alleyway.

You love Newt and you know him better than anyone, heck you know him better than he knows himself.

He wrote that horrible note about leaving your group because he is in too much pain and didn't want us to witness it. You to witness it.

He would be so angry to find out that you were desperately trying to find him. But you can't loose him not when they were so close.

So close to finding a cure!

"There!" Thomas yells, causing the car to screech to a stop. And it breaks your daze.

You whip your head around frantically.

Sure enough, there he is in the crowd of cranks and man, did he look awful.

Parts of his hair looked to be ripped out, his veins bulging and pulsing unnervingly, and his eyes looked wild.

"Newt!" you yell, ripping the car door open, Thomas follows you directly at your heels.

Newt's head swung violently "You how could you Thomas? Why did you bring Y/N here? Too mock me?" he spits.

"No, Newt we came to save you," I cried feeling tears on my cheeks.

"Please we can get a cure," Thomas begs.

"Its too late for me don't you see," he gurgled.
"I'm too far gone. If you were really my friends you would take that gun ya have Tommy and kill me."

"No, Newt please you're not thinking clearly," You feel yourself shaking.
"Listen to me, you're not too far gone! No one will ever be too far gone enough not to save. Ever. And I say that because I love you. I always have and I always will."

He shakes his head wildly. His eyes seem to clear up a little as he spoke something you will never forget.

"I love you too Y/N, and Tommy if you want to redeem yourself, please put me out of my misery like I asked. Please Tommy, Please."

You hear a gun shot and you are deaf. You think you are screaming.

You can't see properly because of the waves of tears stinging your face.

One thing rings through your ears though, the love of your life is dead.

And nothing you can do will bring him back.

A/N I'm legit close too tears. Should I make an alternate ending because I feel bad for it being so sad. Comment!! 541 words.

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Newt, Thomas, Minho, ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now