Run ~Thomas~

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Description- You just enter the glade and are super confused because (duh) you don't know what's happening. Then you meet a special someone, who could possibly change everything.

A/N I came up with this idea while doing homework at a coffee shop. If you like this I could make a pt. 2 of this imagine. Enjoy!

You bolt out of the box. You feel as if your feet will never stop running. You whip your head wildly around. Where could you go? Where even were you? Your mind races almost as much as your heart. You spot trees. Perfect.

You run a while longer, then scale a tree. You try to calm your breathing but it really is no use. You cant stop panting.

You hear people coming. Quickly and quietly, you draw your legs to your chest. Boys run straight past you. Not one of them bother to look up.

Why were they all boys?

But then one stops. He has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. As much as you don't want to admit it, he is cute. Like extremely cute.

He slowly looks up and spots you. Then he does the most dorky thing ever, he half smiles and does a little wave. He does this as if you were a friend.

"Can I come up?" he asks gently.

You nod although you're not sure why. Maybe it was because he asked.

He climbs up and sits on a branch next to you.

"Hey I'm Thomas."

You like that name, it sounds familiar.

Then all the questions you have come flooding out, all at once.

"Where am I? Why cant I remember anything? What is going on?"

"Whoa lets slow down a bit, lets start simple. Can you remember your name?"

"Yeah its Y/N."

"Cool that's um really pretty." he smiles.

You smile and your pretty sure you blushed.

He explains everything slowly and carefully, so that you can understand. It takes a little while to sink in.

He takes your hand and asks if you're ready to meet the others. You grip his hand tightly and nod. You cling to his arm as you leave the deadheads and return to the glade.

You're extremely nervous to meet the other gladers, but with Thomas by your side you know you can do it.

A/N I know this is extremely short but I wanted to leave it open in case I make a pt. 2. Also if your wondering this is only 426 words. So yeah hope you enjoyed. Bye!

Newt, Thomas, Minho, ImaginesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя