Secrets A Diary Can Hold Part 1~Thomas~

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Description- You just want to go unnoticed. But that's always hard here, in the glade. You can tell your best friend Thomas anything. Except your secret feelings for him. That's where your journal comes in. You would die if anyone ever read it. So what happens when you loose it?

A/N Kind of inspired by the song Bad liar by Selena Gomez.

You duck your head down, trying to get through the crowd of boys unnoticed.

But as always it deems impossible. After all you are the only girl in the glade which brings you a lot of unwanted attention.

All you want is some space. Correction all you need is space.

A hand suddenly grabs you and spins you around. Not as graceful as it sounds. It was rougher. It was colder. It was Gally.

"Where ya think you're sneaking off too, Y/N?" He taunts.

"Nowhere Gally," you manage to squeak out.

You can't help it, Gally just intimidates you so much. You wish you could be braver and stick up for yourself.

"Hey Gally, leave her alone ok?"

You turn to gaze upon your savior, who rescued you from this awkward situation.


The one person you truly love. Of course he didn't know that, how would you even begin to tell him?

Besides you don't want to ruin the beautiful friendship you have. It was the only thing keeping you sane.Without it- no you can't think like that or a panic attack could consume you.

It would only be another thing Gally can ridicule you about. You snap out of your thoughts when you see someone's hand wave over your face.

"Y/N? Earth to Y/N. Hello anybody in there?" Thomas laughs.

"Sorry," you cough.

"Thanks by the way. For what you did, you know, with Gally."

"Anytime, anywhere."

You laugh. There is no way you could loose this friendship. Ever.

"Wasn't there somewhere you wanted to go?" Thomas asks.

"Yeah, I just wanted to clear my head. Maybe write?" You say holding up a journal.

"Is that like a diary?"

"Maybe," You respond, raising an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Let me read it!"

"No its personal!" You laugh taking the journal and holding it behind your back.
"No one is allowed access and if someone found out, especially if Gally found out I think I would die."

"Fine, fine, fine I wont tell a soul," He laughs and puts up his right hand in promise.


It's almost dinner time now. Their is going to be a party tonight.

You can already see Alby and some other boys making a huge bonfire.

You stroll over to your small dresser that holds your few clothes.

You pullout a dark navy top and some khaki capris along with some deep green boots.

You then feel around for your journal. You always hide it in here.

You even remember after you talked to Thomas, you put it back here. You couldn't have lost it? Maybe Thomas took it after you told him not too?

No he wouldn't go against your wishes like that.

The party was starting soon, you convince yourself not to worry and that you can find it later.

The music is now in full swing as you search the crowd for Thomas.

You wave your hand when you spot him. He makes his way casually over too you.

"Hey Y/N, is everything ok? You seem tense," he asks concerned.

You start to shake your head when, Gally starts shouting to stop the music at this specific time before you could even answer Thomas.

Just peachy.

"Hold up everyone! I've got a surprise for you all tonight!" Gally shouts chuckling a bit.

The boys start yelling back and cheering.

You on the other hand just roll your eyes.

"Wait Y/N, even you are gonna enjoy this," Gally spoke up, pointing directly at you.

"What was that about?" Thomas whispers.

You shrug your shoulders. "I don't know."

"Tonight we're going to have a little reading exert. From Y/N's diary."

Your mouth drops, this cannot be happening.

But their Gally was holding up your brown leather journal in his hand for everyone to see.

A/N Cliffhanger!! All I can say is part 2 is coming soon! 722 Words.

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