Forced Silence~Newt~ Part 2

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You later go to Clint, at the medjack hut. He looks at your throat, asking if it hurts. You shake your head. 

Gally stands next to you. He hasn't left you alone all day, constantly asking you questions. No luck though, you remember nothing. You wish you could tell them all that, but all you can do is shake your head and shrug your shoulders.

"You must be lying, what are you covering up, Y/N?" Gally asks for the third time today. 

This was starting to get annoying. You shake your head rapidly, trying to communicate that this was worse for you then it was for him. No memories and you can't speak or ask questions of your own. If you could talk, you'd have some nasty words for Gally. Maybe it's better you can't speak, you chuckle to yourself.

"You think this is funny, greenie? Really? Do you want-" He was cut off though, by Newt interrupting him.

Newt clears his throat, "You 'really' want to finish that Gally?" He asks raising a brow.

Gally stares at Newt and rolls his eyes. "Looks like your little boyfriend has come to rescue you," he then come closer to you and whispers in your ear, "you won't be so lucky next time." He then left, confident in scaring you.

You shudder a bit. "You ok Y/N? Relatively, I mean?"

You look up at him and give a lame thumbs up sign. You sigh with no sound coming out, so it sounds more like blowing air.

"I know you must be tired of hearing this, but I've still got to ask. Do you remember anything? Anything at all? Something that might be the secret Wicked is teasing us with?" he sits down beside you.

You shake your head and suddenly you have a bright idea. You make a motion like your writing.

"Paper? Writing down? How could I not have thought of this earlier? I'll be right back!" He ran out of the medjack hut.

He's true to his word and comes back shortly. It barely gives you time to study the hut and look at the strange bottles holding some type of medicine. You peer in to the drawers and all you see is gauze and a first aid kit.

"Here," he offers, lying the paper and a pencil next to you.

You have so much you want to write but now it was a jumble in your head. You carefully inscribe on to the paper. Maybe I'll remember later?

Newt nods, "Maybe, but then you could just write it down, right? Why not let you keep your voice then?"

You shrug your shoulders and grab the paper. You write, This might be a bad time but I'm starving.

You meet Minho, Thomas, and Chuck at dinner. Learning all the jobs in the glade, you decide you probably would suck at everything. A runner needs to report what they saw, A medjack needs to say what is wrong to help them, and a cook seemed like a waste of time. Frypan's job is important, but he doesn't need any dead weight.

You rest your chin on your hand; completely out of it. You look at Gally sitting behind a table, laughing with his friends. They tell each other stupid jokes and for a split second, it seems like they're normal.

You don't even know what normal is anymore. What was life like before this?

Thomas says something to you; you nod and pretend to listen. For some reason you can't keep your eyes of Gally. Looking at him, you don't like him, at least not like that. It's something different and you can't pinpoint it. A sudden flash washes over you.

A blonde woman, older, hands you a piece of paper. "Remember what you must do," she murmurs.

"I know," you nod at her.

The flashback is over, almost as soon as it came. You remember what you were sent here to do. You remember why you have to do it.

You have to kill Gally.

A/N Sorry this took so long. So I was thinking; part 3? It could be the finale and it could be longer!
Summer is here, so I have more time. 

In case you were wondering: 721 words.  

It's 12:27 here. I should probably sleep now but knowing me I'll probably read. Lol.

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