Forced Silence~Newt~

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A/N This is probably one of my favorite ideas that I have ever come up with!! Let me know if you want a part 2!!

Description- You come to the glade as a test. You hold an important secret that Wicked doesn't want the others to know. So they taunt them with your now silent screams.

You came out of the box screaming. At first no one could hear you, you were trapped in a dark silent prison. No alarms went off to announce your arrival and you knew exactly why; it was a test. You screamed until your lungs threatened to give out. A headache proceeded to come nearer and black spots filled your vision; you weren't going to last much longer. You needed to stop screaming or you were going to pass out. Your voice felt disconnected from your body and wouldn't obey the simple command of shutting off. The darkness took its time until finally you lost consciousness. 

With a sudden start you woke up. Blackness still surrounded your vision. You claw and thrash at the metallic cage, still your screams are not heard. How long has it been? You suck in all your breath and let out one final cry. Shaking the walls around you, you could practically hear your voice bouncing off the walls. 

Blinding light hits you and you stumble backwards, shielding your eyes. Being in the dark for so long made you almost forget anything but the darkness. The box swayed slightly as a boy jumped in to it. 

Blonde messy hair and kind brown eyes met yours. He had a crooked smile and was taller than you but only by 5 inches or so. His mouth opened to ask you something when someone from above interrupted.

"Hey shanks, looks like we got a special delivery," he laughed. The boy had intimidating eyebrows and a cold tone to his voice making the joke he said sound sickening. He was taller than the boy in front of you and had larger muscles. 

"Shut it Gally," spat the boy in front of you as he turned back to face you. "Im Newt, greenie. How long have you been in here, do you think? The alarms never went off and we only just now heard your scream?"

Not wanting to sound like a wimp and exaggerate the truth, "I think a day," you manage to squeak out. Your voice comes out hoarse from all the screaming.

"Yeah right, that's impossible," Gally interrupted. He shook his head. "First a girl, no alarm, not on schedule, and now you're saying you remember being stuck in the box for a day? I don't believe you."

A couple of guys shook their heads agreeing with Gally. "Oh slim it Gally, she has no reason to lie and your going to scare her. Stop it," a guy with dark brown hair yelled in annoyance to Gally.

That didn't stop Gally though, "Look is the little greenie shaking?" he taunted coldly.

You cough trying to find your voice. "My name is Y/N and I'm not afraid of you," you say bursting out into a fit of coughing. 

"Hey, what's that behind you," an asian guy with muscular arms called out.

You turn around and see a crumpled note behind you. Gingerly, you pick it up and unfold it. "The last one, she has a secret inside of her; good luck getting it out." 

You start to cough again. Harder. Newt leans in to put an arm around you. "It's going to be okay Y/N, I promise," he whispers.

You cough so violently that blood splatters the note and you looked up at him. You touched your throat and try to speak but you can't. Your voice is gone.

Newt looks over at the note and back to you in horror. "Good luck getting it out of her," he repeats. "Wicked took your voice away," he stares at you in shock.

A/N Cliffhanger!! I really want to make a part 2 what do you guys think? 678 words. 

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Newt, Thomas, Minho, ImaginesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat