27- A gift for Antonio

Start from the beginning

"Maybe I'll eat it in a little bit, I'll go pack the girls some clothes."

Antonio brought the tray back down to the kitchen, and had the girls go by Sadie. She cleaned them up, and got them packed and ready to go. She then brought down the kennel and handed it over to Ethan.

"Have fun." she grinned, while handing him the kennel.

"You two have fun."

Antonio walked the girls out to Ethan's car and got them in their car seats. "You girls be good, and don't give Ethan any trouble." He looked at Ethan and then back to the girls. "On second thought, give him all the trouble you want." he chuckled.

Ethan laughed, shaking his head as he got inside his vehicle.

"We will be good." Isabella smiled, excited to hang out with Ethan.

Sadie got dressed and quickly wrapped a gift for Antonio, while he was outside with Ethan and placed it in her top dresser drawer.

Sadie figured since the girls were gone, she would finally be able to clean the house, and Antonio was also able to get his other work done with all his rental properties.

He hung up his awards, then went looking for Sadie, to show her and see what she thought. He found her asleep on the couch, and turned back around to let her sleep. He started heading back into his office, but stopped before walking in and looked over to the other room.

He walked over to the piano, and stood there debating on if he wanted to play. He hadn't played the piano in over a year, since before Harlow's diagnosis, and was worried about waking up Sadie. He sat down and hesitantly started playing. The more he played the more he had gotten back into the grove of things.

He started playing an Andrew Lloyd Webber piece. Sadie woke up to hearing Antonio playing the piano, and walked over to the room. She snuck up behind him, and leaned over, placing her hands on top of his, and playing the song with him, moving her fingers in rhythm with his.

He stopped playing and looked up at her. "You know this song?"

"Of course I do, its Cats." she smiled, impressing Antonio. "You can finish playing, I didn't mean to interrupt."

She stood back and watched, and listened to him play. He was finished with the song, and turned around in his seat. "I still got it." he says with a smile. She smiled back, handing him the gift she wrapped for him earlier.

"What's this?" he asked, taking it from her hand. He put it up to his ear, and began shaking it.

"A little something for you, from me." she says, as she sat on him, straddling him.

"I know, but you didn't need to get me anything, it's not my birthday or anything." he says, looking at her confused, and looked back at the long-wrapped box.

"Will you just open it!" she said happily, lightly shoving his shoulder.

"OK... OK, I'll open it."

He unwrapped the gift, and opened the box. His heart started to race in excitement, and looked up at Sadie, then back down to the box, pulling out a pregnancy test.

"You're pregnant?" he asked quietly, smiling.

"Uh huh, that's why I was only drinking water last night."

"How long have you known?"

"Almost a week, I've been trying to figure out ways to tell you, and wasn't sure when to tell you, I also have a doctor's appointment on Monday.

"Does Ethan know about this?"

"No." she giggled "Why?"

"I figured maybe that was why he offered to take the girls, and for us to have some alone time."

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