Chapter 32: Bad Luck and Golden Curses

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"Um,... Thank you?" (Y/N) said and looked to Selma for advice Selma only gave her a small smile.

"Asss you can ssee," Selma said. "We only want whatsss besst for the next generation."

Jay and Zane smiled before she led them to a small fire. "Have a seat," Selma continued. "He'll be along any moment."

Echo sat next Zane and (Y/N) next to Jay. Echo and Zane looked really happy to be there with each other.

"Hello, Hatchlings," a raspy, deep voice spoke and out stepped Acidicus. "And camouflaged land-dwellers; do you seek to learn about the curse of the Golden Master?"

"Tell me! Tell me-e!" Jay shouted excitedly raising his hand. While (Y/N) smiled at his antics from beside him.

Acidicus sat down and they were joined by little Serpentine who were also looking forward to story time around the fire.

"Then, everyone come closer." Acidicus said before spitting his venom into the fire.

The little Serpentine gasped in excitement. As everyone began to see images in the fire of a young-looking figure, holding a large, golden sword. There was a star on his chest, and a belt on his waist. His eyes glowed a golden colour.

"When the First Spinjitzu Master created Ninjago, deep in the ground, he created the Serpentine," Acidicus said and a Serpentine rose up next to the man. The image then changed to a village, a whole row of Serpentine underneath the village.

"Since the first dawn, our elders knew of the curse of the Golden Master, when he who had the powers equal to the First Spinjitzu Master would rise and would usher in the last of the sitting silence."

A man with red eyes and a golden chest of armour rose behind the village. He seemed to wear a helmet of some sort, but no one recognized it.

"With no equal adversary," Acidicus continued on. "His power will go unmatched, his destructive ruin will change the fate of the world, and he will not stop, until every man, woman, and Serpentine are enslaved under his control."

Lightning struck from the man's hands, and onto the village. The Serpentine figures scattered, and the houses faded. Then, he stopped, and the image faded from the fire.

"Is he referring to Lloyd?" Zane asked. (Y/N) shrugged "I don't think so." Jay was busy dealing with a young Serpentine that had decided to start pulling on his face and hair.

Chaotic Shattering (Ninjago x Reader Insert)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz