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Forest of death

In the forest of death, a young boy is walking through the forest. He has short blond hair, blue eyes and three whisker scars on both of his cheeks. It's Naruto Namikaze, son of Minato and Kushina Namikaze. But right now, he has run away from home. The reason why is because his parents have neglected him over his little sisters, Mito and Naruko. He couldn't take the pain and loneliness anymore, so he decided to leave. He packed up what stuff he had and left without anyone noticing. As he walks through the forest, he's being watched by someone in the trees. A man that had a beard on his face sees Naruto walking. He frowns, wondering why he's all alone out here. He climbs down from the tree. He silently follows Naruto. Naruto continues walking until he trips and lands on his chest. The man looks as he sees him crying. 

Naruto: could you, granny and the pervert do this to me...? Why...? (Crying)

The man sees he's really upset over something. He feels bad for him. He walks to him. Naruto hears him and looks up. He sees the man, who kneels down to him. 

Man: Hey, kid. You okay?

Naruto: (Sniffs) No. My own parents don't want me anymore. 

Man: (Frowns) What do you mean, kid? Why don't they?

Naruto: They've been neglecting me over my little sisters. And when I showed them what I learned, my own mother slapped me and called me names...(Sobs)

The man frowns more as he really feels bad for him. He also couldn't believe what the boy told him. How could parents do that to their own son? He puts his hand on his shoulder to comfort him. Then, Naruto just hugs him. The man pats his back gently. He decided to do something for him. 

Man: Hey, kid. Would you like to come with me?

Naruto looks at him with a surprised look on his face. The man just offered him to come with him. 

Naruto: R-really?

Man: Yeah. My men are four miles from here. They're waiting on me and we can take you with us. 

Naruto: (Smiles a little) Thank you...

Man: You're welcome. But first, tell me your name. 

Naruto: I'm Naruto.

Man: Well, Naruto. I'm Captain John Price. 

Naruto holds his hand and they both go to where his men are at. Meanwhile, back in Konoha and in Naruto's home, his mother, Kushina walks to his room. She realizes what she did to him today was terrible and she feels really guilty of what she has done. So now, she's going to his room to apologizes to him. She knocks on his door. 

Kushina: Naruto? Sweetie, it's mommy. Can I come in?

There was no respond. She figures he's asleep. She slowly opens the door. She peaks inside and to her shock, she sees the room is all blank. There's hardly anything around the room. Just a bed, bookcase and a desk. She looks at the bed and see someone laying on it. She walks to the bed. 

Kushina: (Whispers) Naruto? Naruto? Honey? It's me. I'm not gonna hurt you again. I just want to talk. 

She removes the blanket, but to her surprise, Naruto is not on the bed. She looks around. Then, she spots a piece of paper on the bed. Getting a bad feeling about it, she slowly picks it up and unfolds it. She sees it's a note. 

"Dear mom and dad, 

I'm sorry I'm always bothering you, so I ran away. Now you have all the time you both need with Mito and Naruko. I love you still, but I don't want to be alone anymore. 



After reading the note, she drops it in shock and the guilt begins to get worse in her. She remembers nothing of doing anything with her son. They never celebrate his birthday or gave him presents. And she doesn't remember serving him dinner or saw him anywhere at the table with them. She falls on her knees and starts crying. She has lost her son. Minato comes in and asks her what's wrong. She shows him the note and he reads it. After that, he starts feeling guilt too. Then, he helps his wife and he looks at her.

Minato: Let's go find him. And we'll apologize to him and we'll show him that we love him. 

She slowly nods and they both leave to find their son. And little do they know, their daughters overheard them. They both feel so upset that their brother is gone and they blame themselves for this. Back in the forest, Price and Naruto make it to his team. His team sees their Captain and a six year old boy. 

Soldier: Captain. (Sees the boy) Who's this?

Price: A young boy who needs help. Gaz, call in the chopper. 

Gaz: Got it, Captain. 

Gaz takes out his radio and calls in the chopper for extraction. Naruto look at his men and sees there are five men. Gaz puts away his radio and look at Price. 

Gaz: Sir, the chopper will be here in a couple of minutes. 

Price: Good. (Looks at Naruto) Stay close, Naruto. As soon as the chopper gets here, we're outta here. 

Naruto: Ok. 

After a couple of minutes, Naruto hears something in the air. He looks up and sees some kind of flying metal thing with blades on top. 

Naruto: What is that?

Price: A helicopter, a vehicle that flies. 

The chopper lands and the hatch opens. Everyone starts to get in. As Naruto and Price are about to get in, Naruto senses his parents are coming. He turns around and sees them running to their direction. Price picks up Naruto and they both go in the chopper. Minato and Kushina see Naruto going into the chopper with Price.

Kushina: No! Stop!

Minato: Give us back our son!

Price closes the hatch and he yells for the pilot to take off. The chopper starts to take off. It goes up. The parents stop and they look up. They both see Naruto looking at them with a frown look. He slowly waves goodbye to them and looks down. The chopper leaves the area. Kushina falls on her knees and sobs. Minato comforts her. They both failed as parents. They both hope that their eight year old boy will be fine and safe. And they hope he'll come back someday. Minato picks up Kushina and they both go back to the village and they'll have to tell their daughters, Jiraiya, Tsunade and everyone what happened. And little do they know, their son just entered a new world, and he'll be a bigger hero than ever.                  

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