nightmare {t.k chp.}

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November 12, 2017

Taehyung POV

My parents were gone for the weekend. Usually, that would mean Jungkook would stay over. I'd invite friends over for a while, eat way too much crap- stuff like that.

But, no. I'm not allowed to stay home alone this weekend. I was a little mad since I figured I'd be sent to stay with my homophobic grandparents.

I was surprised to find myself dropped at Jungkook's front door. As far as my parents know, Jungkook and I are just friends. Jungkook isn't exactly out yet. I've been out since I was thirteen.

Our parents have been close friends for a while, so that's why they dropped me here. My grandparents couldn't take me this weekend, thank god.

I tried hard to suppress my smile as I walked up to the front door, my mom in tow.

I knocked a few times and it was answered by Jungkook's mother.

She smiled, "Hello, Tae. Soyeun."

"Thank you, again." My mom said. I looked past his mom to see Jungkook standing in the living room, waving eagerly.

His mom saw my face and moved aside, letting my sixteen year old ass inside. I dropped my bag next to the table and Jungkook came up and hugged me. I hugged him back tightly for a moment. We have to be really subtle when around his mom. She accepts him as a little and she herself is pansexual so we both know she'd have no problem with him being gay. Still, Jungkook doesn't want to be out just yet and I one hundred percent understand his decision.

"I missed you." I said and pulled away. Jungkook had been out sick since Tuesday but he seemed a lot better now.

"I missed you, too." He muttered as his mom came into the room. She had me grab my things and she showed me to my room. It's the guest room but it's nice.

She left me to unpack for the next three days, Monday being a school holiday. Jungkook sat on the side of the bed and watched me dump my things into a drawer.

"I'm happy you're staying here." Jungkook giggled.

"I know, I am too." I smiled and kissed his head. There's just something about little Jungkook that turns me extremely mushy.

Jungkook quickly slipped back into big space and we were called in for dinner. He locked his leg around mine for the entirety of the meal. It's like a game we play. We try to have as much skinship as possible but without anyone seeing.

After dinner, the three of us settled on watching a movie. I would have preferred it be just Kookie and I but hey, I can't complain. She's the one letting me stay here.

His mother brought out blankets for us and we all cramed onto the couch. It went me, Jungkook, and then his mother. Naturally, Jungkook held my hand under the blanket the whole movie. He hasn't seen me in four days and that's a long time when you look at the last four years.

After the movie, the three of us sat on the floor and played random card games for hours. It was actually a lot of fun. His mom has a great sense of humor. And when I say that, I don't mean child friendly sense of humor. That's what makes her awesome. She has no filter.

Around one, his mom decided it was a good idea for us to get to bed. I wished that Kook and I were able to share a room like we used to. Jungkook is a huge cuddle bug. I take any opportunity I get to sleep with him. Having someone with me helps me sleep better.

I walked into Jungkook's room to say goodnight only to find him in a blue onesie and pacifier between his lips. He was hanging half off his bed, asleep. My heart lurched at the cute sight before me. I closed the door and knelt down next to his face. I brushed his hair aside and kissed him goodnight before returning to my own room.


If Jungkook comes into my room at three in the morning, there's either something really wrong or he had a nightmare. I am assuming he had a nightmare. I couldn't see him at all so when he came into my room and just stood at the door which he closed behind him, it half scared me to death.

I heard him sniffle. Nightmare. Definently nighmare. And, after ninety nine percent of his nightmares, he goes into big space. Dealing with a crying big space Jungkook likes to break my heart just a little more than little space because it's tougher to calm him down. And, he just gets really, really quiet. I don't like it. Watching big space Jungkook cry is far more painful painful.

But, when I heard him mutter, "Daddy?" My whole mindset was changed. Shit. Little space nightmare.

I turned on my side and raised out my arms, "Come here, baby boy." Jungkook hugged his blue blanket close to his chest. As my eyes adjusted, I could see him more clearly walking slowly towards me. Still in his onesie.

He laid down. One arm found its way around my torso while his head landed a spot on my chest.

I laced my fingers through his hair, softly scratching his head. He likes when I do that.

"Let it all out. It's okay, baby. I've got you." I said quietly, feeling the hot tears that ran down his cheeks against my chest.

He cried for a few minutes but I soon heard his soft snores. My hand settled on his waist and I, too, fell back asleep.


I was fully aware of the positon we were in. I was also aware of the fact that his mom was standing in the doorway.

To give you a little mental image, we looked like this: His face buried in my chest, arms pulled close to his own chest, gripping the front of my shirt in his little fist. My head rested just above his. My arm was around his waist, holding him close to me. My leg was in between his legs. The covers were on the floor.

I don't remember how we got into this position. But, it was comfy.

I pretended not to know she was there. My back was to the door anyways. So, knowing we were being watched, I slowly moved my hand up. I put my hand on the back of his head and leaned down to kiss him. He made a little noise and his arm moved out, snaking around my waist. I guess that woke him up.

He moved his head up to kiss me on the lips and then returned it, burying his head deeper into my chest.

I waited until I knew she left to reach down and grab the blanket off the floor. But, I was wrong. She didn't leave. We made eye contact and she raised her hand, motioning for me to come with her.

I nodded and grabbed the blanket. I placed it over Jungkook and kissed his head, telling him I'd be back in a minute.

"So..." She began once the door was shut. We walked into the kitchen.

"I'm going to be outright and assume you two are dating. That was fucking adorable, excuse my language but it was." She laughed.

"Oh," I laughed nervously.

"It's okay, I've always had just a little thought about that. I always knew it was a possibility. Of course I know Jungkook is gay. Ever since he was young, it's just something you know as a parent."

When I didn't say anything she asked, "How long have you two been together?"

"Um..." I was kind of scared to answer this, "Four years." I mumbled.

"Damn. That's impressive. You two seem so natural around each other, I never would have thought you two were together for a short time. Four years makes a lot of sense."


She shook her head, "What am I doing? It's five in the morning. Go back to sleep."

I nodded and trudged back to the guest room. Jungkook was still sleeping peacefully. I could tell his mom was watching as I got back in but I didn't mind.

"I'm back." I mumbled and Jungkook wrapped himself around me. His mom snapped a picture and disappeared.

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