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"jimin-ah, baby, wake up." i wasn't sure if he was still in little space so i used a precautionary voice. he'd slept most of the time which i envied him for. i didn't get much sleep and my head was pounding now.

he slowly opened his eyes and looked around.

"we're landing now." i told him and his eyes lit up. i made sure to have our passports in a pocket where i could reach them easily.

"excited?" he wondered in a cute little voice as he pulled his backpack into his lap.

"yes, i am excited. you?"

he nodded, still trying to wake himself up more. i found this, of course, very cute but i held myself back seeing that we were on a plane of people who come from a country where being gay isn't exactly accepted.

we waited patiently for the plane to empty out so we could get off. jimin trailed behind me, followed by his grandma. she found us a rental car and called dibs on driving us. she's driven in america before whereas we have not and it happens to be different.

"it doesn't look that different." jimin said.

"that's because we haven't left the airport yet, silly. just wait a few minutes." i saw his grandma smile, watching us in the rear view mirror.

we got to our hotel in a little under an hour. it had just passed ten p.m california time. his grandma checked into her own room while i got jimin's and mine. i got a weird look from one of the guys at the front office but the girl just gave me a soft smile. i can understand his unamusement but i found it cute how jimin had koala-ed himself to my front.

the three of us got into the elevator. i held jimin's bags in my hands, surprised he wasn't slipping off of me.

"he really likes you. but i think you already know that." his grandma said quietly as we walked down the hallway, "he'd never do that to someone unless he'd known them for years and yet here you come and everything seems to change for him. i can't express how thankful i am for you."

"you don't need to thank me." i told her, smiling as i fumbled for our room key.

"alright, well i'll be at your door by seven so you two better be awake." she teased and went into her room.

i tried to lay jimin down on the bed but he wasn't detatching himself.

"jimin," i muttered and tried to pull his arms off my neck.

he made a small noise and let go. i sat him down on the side of the bed. his eyes were still closed and he was wobbling back and forth. i pulled the covers down and tucked him in.

i put our things down, plugging in both of our phones. i set an alarm for six forty the next morning. 

i changed and then crawled in next to jimin. he rolled over and cuddled into my side. my face and head got hot and i silently laughed. that's never happened except for when i'm with him.

i can already tell this boy is going to be the death of me. 

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