"If you're going to think about holding my hand, then here." She laughed.

"I was about too." I laughed, looking at her.

She shook her head, laughing yet again. I chuckled holding onto her hand tightly.

My gun was in hands reach along with an empty can of gas in her hand.

"You could've parked at least a mile closer." She complained.
"I was waiting for a complaint." I shook my head.
"Shut up!" She gasped, quickly hitting me with the damn gas can.
"What the hell?" I laughed.

She laughed non stop causing a smile to never fade on my face. Her laugh was music to my ears. She always was bright and so damn beautiful. Laughing just made herself so much brighter.

"I usually get at least 6 hours a night and I got 4 last night." She defended herself.
I smiled, shaking my head knowing exactly why.
"You should've woken me up." I looked at her.
"You were way too peaceful on the damn couch." She grunted.

I chuckled instantly.

"I need you to be able to sleep my damn 6 hours!" Maci explained, raising the can in the air.
I shook my head, feeling my stomach turn.
"You should've just grabbed my damn shirt." I looked up at her.

She gave me a look that caused my brain to spin and my smile to turn into a smirk.
"That's why I got 4 hours dumbass." She said, looking straight at me.
I laughed way more than I should of.

"I would've gotten none without the damn shirt!" Maci finally laughed at her own words.
We both went into a fit of laughter.
"It'll be different tonight, I promise." I smiled.

She stopped, letting go of my hand.

She stepped close against me. I held on her lower back, keeping her body close to mine. Her smile never faded as she put her hands in my hair.

She pulled softly, enough for me to crave her lips. She fucking knew it too. I leaned in close to her, our lips fitting together like a puzzle piece before they moved in a slow sync.

She tugged yet again, harder this time.
"Maci." I groaned, pulling away.
She laughed against my lips. I shook my head placing my lips on her forehead.

"Come on." She smiled, biting her bottom lip.
I shook my head, following her lead.

We soon got to the gas station that we needed to be at.

We stayed together and walked around to check out the place. There was toys and little clutters of things that were covered in dirt. Each item had lost all of the color that it had.

There was tons of abandoned cars. All of the windows had been broken out along with a walker inside. Each decaying body had been there since this whole thing started, you could tell.

A mans voice interupted my thoughts causing the gas can to drop and my hand to swiftly grab my gun. Maci and I pointed it towards the noise. I stepped almost completely infront of her, wanting to protect her at all cost.


It was a deep yet scared sounding voice.

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