Volume 1, Chapter 9. Jaunedice and the reveal Pt 2

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*(Y/n) POV*

I slowly started to wake up, my eyes still closed. I could feel some weight on me and i opened my eyes to see Blake, Yang, Ruby and Weiss sleeping with me. I looked out the window to see it was still night. I slowly and carefully moved Ruby off my chest and got out the bed, making sure i didn't wake any of them. I took my clothes off and changed into my pajamas, i wasn't going to change into that bloody uniform, it bloody itches. I quietly left the Dorm and walked down the corridor, thinking about what i'm going to do.

*Jaune's POV*

I couldn't sleep, after what happened today i just couldn't stop thinking about (Y/n). I was scared of him now, but at the same time i still wanted to help him. As i tossed and turned, i could hear a door open and close outside. I got up and peek out my dorm to see (Y/n) walking down the hallway. I slowly followed him, making sure he didn't see me. I continued to follow him to the roof were he just sat on the ledge and started crying. I must admit i felt bad for him, so i walked up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder, making him jump.

(Y/n): "Jesus Jaune!" he said

Jaune: "Sorry, i just wanted to make sure your alright..."

(Y/n): "I'm not Jaune... everyone knows that i'm a Dark Eco freak... and i know Ozpin told you and the others that i'm the Dark Eco killer..."

Jaune: "Yeah he told us... i will admit i was shocked and very scared... But your still my friend, and i'm not going to just abandon you mate.Besides, what you did to cardin was pretty badass" i said while taking a seat next to him

(Y/n): "He's lucky... after what he said, i just wanted to rip his arm off or snap his neck!" he nearly yelled, emiting a couple of purple sparks, making me jump back a bit. "Sorry... Just he makes me so angry... thinking he can treat Eco users and Faunus' like that..."

Jaune: "I know how you feel... ever since he started picking on me i feel like that... but i can't can't stand up to him....  a proper leader could..."

(Y/n): "You are a proper leader Jaune, you just gotta believe in yourself first. I mean, look at me mate. I can fight properly without risking a transformation... Even when i train with Goodwitch and Ozpin i risk it. Thankfully they found a way to weaken the thing..."

Jaune: "Really? How?"

(Y/n): "From what they told me, the thing hates high pitched noises and it weakens it enough for one of them to come in close enough to inject Light Eco in me. Speaking of which..." He then pulled out a vial of a glowing white liquid and drank it.

Jaune: "So, that's light Eco huh? Looks pretty. But i always wondered why is there any Light Eco users out there?" i asked.

(Y/n): "I don't know mate... I think it's just something never meant to be. Besides, i still don't know what else Light Eco can do". He then looked down, "Jaune... if i left... do you think everyone would be safe...". I looked at him with shock, was he actually thinking about running away?.

Jaune: "Look... i won't deny that i'm scared of you, but only your powers. The boy i see right in front of me now is no harm to anyone, it's whats inside you that scares me and could bring harm. But you haven't had a incident since Emerald Forest, so... If you left, people would miss you... we're family. Just like you told Goodwitch". He looked at me with a smile and tears in his eyes. He then hugged me and i hugged back. 

Jaune: "Come on mate, lets get back to bed". We both got up and walked back to our dorms, talking about fun things like movies and girls. We reached our dorms and i said goodnight and entered my dorm.

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