Volume 1, Chapter 6 part 2. Ozpin Vs Dark (Y/n)

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At first the forest was silent, then a inhuman yell was heard across. It reached all the way to the Cliff were the initiation started. Ozpin and Glynda were still at the cliff when that yell happened.

Glynda: "What was that!?"

Ozpin: "I think we both know what it was!"

Glynda:" Oh Christ! We need to get him back in control before he hurts or kills one of the students"

Ozpin: "I'll take care of this Glynda, you just make sure the students keep heading north"

*Cut to Ozpin in the forest, near the rock. Ozpin's Pov*

I was running through the forest. I knew that (Y/n) had changed and i needed to find him before the situation gets worse. I knew that he wouldn't be at full power, but he could still do a-lot of damage. 

Ozpin: "Come on! where are you (Y/n)!" I said to myself as i ran faster. I then see a clearing ahead of me and a sight i didn't want to see. Along the forest floor were dead animals and a trail of Dark Eco that lead to the clearing. I then saw (Y/n) with his foot on Yang, i knew i had to do something now before he killed her.

Ozpin:"STOP!". as i shouted i saw (Y/n) turn towards me and a frightened Yang looking at me. (Y/n) then took his foot off her as he made a couple steps towards me.

Ozpin: "Miss.Long, quickly get your friend and head north. I'll take care of this thing". Yang then nodded her head and got up and ran into the rock. (Y/n) then comes running at me.

Ozpin: "I'm sorry about this (Y/n). But i'm gonna have to use full force to stop you". He then went to try and slash me, but i dodge it at a speed which leaves him shocked. "Don't worry (Y/n), i'll get you back from this things control!". I then grab the handle of my cane and slam into him, knocking him back a couple feet. I gets up and looks at me, before letting out a very loud yell. When he looks back at me, i can see something going down his face....it was a tear.

Ozpin: "Come on (Y/n)! you can fight it!" i shout but this causes him to lunge at me. I swing my cane again and hit him in the head, followed by the sound of something cracking. I look over to see him on the ground with Dark Eco coming out the side of his head. I must of cracked part of his skull. He looks at me....then grins. He then jumps into there air and aims one of his fists down. I knew what he was about to do.

 I knew what he was about to do

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*(A/n): Yep, he does Dark Bomb....and that was the only gif i could find*

I jump up a second before he hit the ground. I managed to dodge his Dark bomb ability but i was still worried. If he now just learned to use Dark bomb, who knows what he'll learn next. I look at him to see him on all fours and noticed that parts of his skin were trying to turn back to his normal skin colour.

Ozpin: "Come on! Fight it (Y/n)! I know you can do it!" i shouted. But then he looks at me and his skin stays gray. he tries to lunge at me but i dodge it again. He then tries to swpie me with his claws, over and over but i dodge each one. We then clash as i block a front attack with my cane. We were face to face, with only his claws and my cane stopping us from touching. I looked into his pitch black eyes and noticed he was actually tearing up. His angry expression was slightly a sad one, but he shook his head and roared into my face. He then jumped back and tries to stab me with those claws. I then swing my cane again, only for him to grab it but then lost grip as i increased speed. He slammed into a tree and i used the time to get a Light Eco vial and put it in a syringe. I jumps back up and looks at me with rage filled eyes. He then jumped into a tree and i lost sight of him, all i could hear was leaves rustling, branches snapping and (Y/n) grunting. I looked around, knowing he could jump out of anywhere.

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