Volume 1, Chapter 14. Forgive and Forget

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*3rd Person POV*

Zach: "Well, In Sun's case, Yes. But I want to know about Dark boy there" he says in a cocky attitude.

(Y/n): " What do you want to know about me? I'm a Dark Eco user, that's all" Zach just smiled and sipped his tea.

Zach: "Well not every Dark user I've met has become one of the most famous and wanted Killers in the whole of Remnant" He chuckles.

(Y/n): "So you think it's funny do you!"

Zach: "Well you Dark users are all the same. Short temper and no bite"

(Y/n): "No bite, I will happily show you my bite!"

Blake: "(Y/n) calm down". He sits back down and glares at Zach, who just smiles at him.

Sun: "Well at least you two speak. Nearly a whole day and you gave me nothing but small talk and weird look!" Blake gives sun a firm look while (Y/n) glares at Zach. "And you Dark boy have just been looking at Zach"

(Y/n): "Maybe if your boy here didn't keep making fun of my Dark powers, I wouldn't keep glaring at him"

Zach: "What, did I touch a nerve Dark boy?"

(Y/n): "That's it! I need to have a walk before I kill him" He get out his seat and walks away, shoving Zach in the shoulder.

Zach: "Oh come on I was only joking!"

Sun: "Zach, go get him. The last thing we need is him going on a rampage" he chuckles.

Blake: "That's not funny, do you know what he's been through?"

Sun: "No.... How about you tell me since we're both alone?". Blake's gives a sigh before looking at him.

Blake: "Okay..."

*Cut to Zach and (Y/n)*

(Y/n) was walking down a street, trying to calm himself down from Zach's cocky remarks.

(Y/n): " What's that guys problem! Treating a fellow Eco user like me like shit!"

Zach: "Now come on, you would know if i was treating you like shit". He turns around to see Zach behind him. "Look I was joking. You telling me that you can't take a joke?"

(Y/n): " Ha ha, very fucking funny!"

Zach: "Oh come on, let me make it up to you. Since we left the two Faunus alone, why don't us Eco users have some fun?"

(Y/n): "What do you mean by fun?"

Zach: "Well, We could hang out. Talk about our powers, have we got here, maybe girls~"

(Y/n): "Fine"

Zach: "Alright, my man!" He says while putting his arm around (Y/n). "Come on, lets get some proper food. No offence to Sun, but the food he likes is shit". They both chuckle and walk towards a fast food shop.

(Y/n): "This is proper food?"

Zach: "Hell yeah, it's a lot better then that fruity crap" he laughs. They both buy themselves a burger and head to the docks.

(Y/n): "So that weapon of yours, looks pretty cool"

Zach: "Oh this" He takes out his gun. "Yeah, I guess it's alright. Doesn't transform into anything else thought. What about your weapon?". (Y/n) smiles and takes out his katana.

(Y/n): "This is its Katana form" He then presses the button on the side of the handle and it turns into the grapple gauntlet. "This is the grapple gauntlet form" he then turns it back into the Katana form and then presses the button on the base and it turns into the gun mode. "And this is gun mode"

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