Volume 1, Chapter 12. An unwanted guest

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*Early morning, 3rd person*

It was Early morning, and Ruby Rose has just woken up. She look to see that (Y/n) is gone and when she gets up she see's that everyone was gone. She then hears a strange noise coming from the bathroom, so she slowly gets down from her bunk and quietly approaches the bathroom. When see reaches the door, she slowly opens it and peeks inside. She then see (Y/n) covered in blood and facing the corner. She approaches him and places a hand on his blood covered shoulder.

Ruby:" (Y/n)...." He then slowly turns around and Ruby see's he's in his Dark Form. He looks at her and gives a evil grin before lunging at her. Ruby dodges and runs towards the door but Dark (Y/n) jumps in front of her and front kicks her back. Ruby then crawls back into the corner as Dark (Y/n) approaches her with the same Evil grin.

Ruby: "(Y/n)! It's me Ruby! Please slap out of it!". Dark (Y/n) then grabbed her by the shirt and pulled her up into the air. "Please (Y/n)! Don't hurt me!". Dark (Y/n) only gave a Inhuman laugh before slamming her into the floor and getting on top of her. "(Y/n) Please! Don't do this!"

Dark (Y/n): "There is no (Y/n) here" It spoke in a evil voice.

Ruby: "Please bring him back you monster!"

Dark (Y/n): "Never! He's my victim and i'm going to keep him and ruin his life. And i'm going to do that by killing you" He then laughed as Ruby tries to get out of his graps. "Shhh child! You'll be joining your friends shortly". He then lunged down at her.

*End Dream. Also, Dark (Y/n) can't actually speak. Only in dreams he can*

(Y/n): "AHHHHHHHHHH!" he screamed while failing off the bed, waking the rest of the team up.

Ruby: "(Y/n)!"

Weiss: "What's going on?!"

Yang: "Where the intruder?!"

Blake:" What happend?!"

They all look at (Y/n) who's curled up into a ball on the floor crying. Ruby jumps down from her bunk and kneels next to him.

Ruby: "(Y/n) whats wrong?". He then looked at her and instantly hugged.

(Y/n): "Your alive! *sob* Thank god it was a dream!" he cried into her shoulder. Ruby was in shock about what he said but hugged back while (Y/N) was crying.

Ruby: "Calm down (Y/n)" She pulls away and looks at him. Parts of his skin were gray, along with his hair. "Tell me what happened?" She said while whipping his tears away.

(Y/n): "I.... I had a nightmare..... You were in it *Sobs* I-i was in my Dark form, and you approached me. I then attacked you. You begged for me to stop, but then the thing inside me spoke through my Dark form, and then....." He then covers his eyes with his hands as he cries even more. "And then it killed you.....". Ruby then hugged him again, then the other joined in.

*Cut to Ozpin's Office*

Ozpin and Oobleck were looking at a blood sample of (Y/n).

Ozpin: "Remind me again why we're looking at his blood?"

Oobleck: "Okay, look what happens when I harm the cells" Ozpin looks through the microscope and see's Dark Eco cell fuse with his normal cells. "Now, this blood sample has Dark Cells in it, but" he then takes out another blood sample. "Thanks to an old friend, this blood sample of (Y/n) has had the Dark Cell removed from it"

Ozpin: "That must of cost a lot" he chuckled

Oobleck: "It did. But now look when I harm his cells now". Ozpin looks again and to his surprise he see's something else fuse with the normal cells"

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