Volume 1, Chapter 3. The Shinning Beacon Part 2

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*3rd person POV*

Jaune and Ruby enter Beacons Auditorium which is packed with people, Then Ruby hears Yang calling her.

Jaune and Ruby enter Beacons Auditorium which is packed with people, Then Ruby hears Yang calling her

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Yang: "Ruby! Over here! I saved you a spot!" she said as she waved at her.

Ruby: "Oh! Hey, i-i gotta go! I'll see you after the ceremony!" she then start to walk towards her sister.

Jaune: Hey, wait!

Ruby: "I promise i'll see you later, try and find (Y/n), he must be around here".

Jaune sighs. "Ah, great. Where am i supposed to find another nice, quirky girl to talk to?!". He walks off to try and find (Y/n). He looks around to see (Y/n) standing alone. As he approached him, he noticed he was wiping something of his face. (Y/n) then noticed him and quickly tried to walk away.

Jaune: "Hey! where are you going? you've been trying to get away from everyone today?" he asked

(Y/n): "L-look Jaune.......If i tell you why, will you respect it and just leave me alone" he said with a shaky voice while looking down. "Shit!, i need to think of something to make him leave me alone. but i can't tell him i'm a Eco freak" he thought.

Jaune: "Come on dude, whats happened that is making you really shy to people".

(Y/n): "J-Jaune....i was abandoned by my parents when i was only five years old. Fucking 5!". As he said that, Jaune swore he saw (Y/n) turn Black for half a second, but he didn't mention it. "They didn't love me and they just left me, the only people who i trusted just walk out my life, and they happened to be my parents". Jaune looked at (Y/n) and noticed a tear fell from his cheek,  he then put his hand on his shoulders and a (Y/n) Looked at him.

Jaune: "Hey, it's gonna be okay mate. I know you want to be alone......but i can't allow that. You need to be around people before you completely forget to interact with people. Please, just at least hang around with me? we both could use a friend. You might stutter and be a bit awkward but i don't mind. Just stay near me mate and i'll help you". After he said that, (Y/n) looked at him right in the eyes and smiled as his eyes teared up.

(Y/n): "J-jaune...*sobs*...thank you" he then hugged Jaune and he kindly hugged back. Then they both heard a very familiar voice.

Weiss: "You!". Both Jaune and (Y/n) looked at each other and laughed a bit.

Jaune: "This is gonna be good" he said while laughing

(Y/n): Y-you could say that again" he replied. He then saw Ruby jump in Yangs arms and both of them laughed again.

Ruby: "Oh, God, It's happening again!". She then heard laughing and saw Jaune and (Y/n) laughing with their arms on their legs.

Weiss: " You're lucky we weren't blown off the side of the cliff! and you two pack it in" She pointed at Jaune and (Y/n). They stopped but couldn't help but chuckle.

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