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Leo suddenly sat up, gasping. He looked around to find pitch black. He could see nothing for miles, like there was no end to it. He wasn't actually awake, he realized.

Did I die?

While the kept going through his head, Leo was surprisingly calm. Maybe this is what it felt to die. Peace.

He slowly looked down at himself, saw that he was wearing white clothing. He really is dead, isn't he? But wait, how did he die? His breath slowed down as he remembered what happened.


At this point, Leo's anxiety would have already been up to the roof, but again, he found himself being calm. He slowly stood up, his feet standing on pure darkness. He looked around again, his eyes catching something he didn't before.

A small bright light was seen in the distance. Leo squinted at it, trying to see from far away. Deciding that he couldn't see from where he was, Leo walked closer to the light.

The closer he got, he realized that it wasn't a light. It wasn't a thing. It was someone.

It was Calypso.

"Calypso?" Leo's voice came out like an echo, his question going through the darkness. The figure smiled at him.

"Hi, Leo." She said, her voice emitting the same echo. Leo stared at her in confusion.

"What are you doing here?" A horrid thought came into his mind, horrid enough that Leo actually felt unease. "Are you dead?" He whispered, but the question still echoed through the pitch darkness.

"No," Calypso chuckled, "No, Leo. She's alive."

"'She?' You're not Calypso?" Leo looked at the figure more closely.

It was Calypso. Or at least physically, it was Calypso. It had the same fire in her eyes, even the little freckles on her cheeks. But, the figure was kind of like a ghost. It kept fading in and out.

"No, I'm not. I'm more like..." She put her hand on her chin, "I guess I'm your conscience."

"My conscience?"

"Yep, I can take any form. I usually take the form of the person you need at the moment." Calypso's white dress flowed as if wind just blew, but Leo knew it didn't.

Leo did need Calypso. He wished he wasn't dead so that he could be with her right now. Not his conscience. The figure suddenly laughed.

"Oh, Leo, you're not dead." Leo's eyes widen.

"I'm not?" The figure smiled.

"No, you're merely sleeping."

"Then why are you here?" Leo asked.

The figure stayed quiet. Leo fidgeted as she looked at him. She was looking at him, but she wasn't really. It was like she was looking...through him. Leo looked behind him but found nothing. He looked back but Calypso wasn't there anymore.

Instead, his mother stood there.

"Ma- mamá?" Leo gasped. Just like when the figure was Calypso, this figure was identical to his mother. Everything, to her grease stained hands, to the small scar on her eyebrow.

"Hello, mijo." Her smile was identical too.

"What are you doing...here? I mean- I thought I needed Calypso, why are you...?"

"You need a lot of people right now."


"Leo, when you wake up, you will be with your loved ones. Your friends. You'll think you're happy. And for the most part, you will be. But Leo, you're still suffering."

My Heart Short Circuits - CALEO -Where stories live. Discover now