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//I have changed Poseidon's name in this fic so much. First, it was Mr. Jackson, then it was Mr. Olympus, and now (and it's going to stay this way) Its Mr. Poseidon.

          After Calypso introduced herself, she sat back down on her seat. Soon, Mr. Poseidon started to talk about Biology and she started to pay attention, writing stuff down. Half way through class, Mr. Poseidon interrupted the class when a student was sleeping in class.

"Mr. Valdez, if you are sleeping then you must have studied through the summer, correct? Can you tell me what this is?" Mr. Poseidon pointed to the board. The one he was talking about looked up and looked dazed from his sleep. He squinted at the board.

"Don't know," the guy shrugged and went back to sleep. A few students started snickering, Mr. Poseidon's nostrils flared in annoyance.

"Leo Valdez!" This time the guy jumped up in surprise. Calypso couldn't suppress a giggle at the sight. Leo looked at her and gave her a smile which she answered to by pointing to the teacher, who seemed down right annoyed. Leo turned to the teacher and shrunk back into his seat.

The teacher went back to his lesson and Calypso went back to writing. But this time was interrupted by a piece of crumpled paper hitting her head. She turned and found that Leo threw the ball, his friend next to him shaking his head. Leo was making an open motion, which Calypso took as opening the paper. She looked back at the teacher and saw that he was busy writing something on the board. Calypso took the time to open the note.

Hey, what's a pretty lady like you doing in a place like this?

Calypso shook her head but couldn't help that she was smiling. She quickly wrote down her response, making sure the teacher was still distracted and threw the paper back at him. It hit him on the head which made his friend have to hold his laughter. Calypso withheld her laughter as well and turned as the teacher started talking again. From the corner of her eye she could see that Leo was writing back a response. The teacher got a phone call and left the room. A bunch of teenagers turned to talk to their friends while Calypso this time caught the ball before it could hit her.

My grandmother thinks I'm a troublemaker, what about you?

Well, I am here for running away a few times, but I've done a hell lot more.

They kept sending each other notes through the entire class, even when the teacher came back.

You're quite the bad boy aren't you?

You know it, sunshine. Why does your grandmother think you're a troublemaker?

...Something about my father.

What about your father?

It's none of your business!

Calypso threw the paper and turned around, crossing her arms. She hated being asked about her father. Hated how her grandmother send her here because of him.

  Ever since her father was incarcerated, she started to act out a little, but nothing major like stealing or anything. Just her ditching, sneaking out at night, but her grandmother wouldn't have it and sent her to the Wilderness School.

The bell rang before Leo could send another note and Calypso was out of the classroom. She was about to pass the corner when someone grabbed her elbow. She turned to find Leo Valdez.

My Heart Short Circuits - CALEO -حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن