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A/N: Mention of attempted suicide. It's really subtle.

Why the fuck cant my life be normal?

Leo has no idea what he just got himself into. He trusted his friends and told them what happened, what he found out. And they understood and even helped try to find evidence to avenge his father. But that's all he wanted, evidence. Now he finds out that Hera is his creepy stalker. Leo thinks that if he keeps searching into this he might go too deep in this mystery and end up getting caught in the process. No, he doesn't think, he knows.

But he cant help himself.

That's when you find Leo and the other three scattered in Leo and Jason's dorm room, each looking at different pictures. They were all pretty normal pictures, things you see everyday like him talking to Jason and Piper or him and Calypso having their meeting at the workshop that they have started to do out of habit. But some pictures went back years ago. To when he first got here.

The quartet burst out laughing when they saw a picture of Leo punching Octavian in the face. Octavian's face was priceless. But then Calypso asked why that happened and suddenly the mood was killed.

"Nothing important," was the only response to the question Leo would give. He normally didn't mind telling anyone of the experience, everyone that was in the school at that time has heard of it, so Leo guessed that other people would learn from others what happened. But Leo didn't want Calypso to know. He felt...ashamed. Ashamed that Octavian had rattled him up so much to the extent of lashing out. Leo didn't want Calypso to know that he has that side to him. Though Calypso has a way of getting Leo to open up about all his sides, so he would expect to tell her eventually.

"Can I ask you something?" Calypso suddenly said. She was sitting next to Leo and was whispering so the other didn't hear as they shuffled through pictures.


"What did you say when you found the folder? You said something in Spanish." Leo blushed in embarrassment and scratched the back of his neck.

"I said 'I knew it'" Leo translated for her. Calypso nodded and asked another question.

"How did you know it?"

"I didn't know the secret compartment was there if that's what your thinking. I guessed that Hera wouldn't want something incriminating lying around so she would hid it. I guessed that it was hidden. That's what I 'knew.' When my hand accidentally brushed against something under the desk, I realized something was there. And," he showed the pictures to Calypso, "that's where we are now"

"Oh" was Calypso only response and went back to looking at the pictures.

After they looked at all the pictures, they decided to separate them into piles by year. Leo took the year he got here and he didn't really care to listen who got what year. He was entranced at fact that there are pictures of him and his father.

The first pictures were probably to blackmail his father in to doing the blueprints. If the message he found in the back of the first picture was any confirmation.

"Do what I tell you, and Leo won't have to get hurt"

But even after his father's death, the pictures went on. What was Hera planning? That question kept playing in Leo's head over and over again that it gave him a headache.

"These pictures gives us zero evidence that Hera killed Mr. Valdez. We need to find those blueprints." Piper suggested. The rest nodded in agreement.

"So we have to break in to Zeus' office." Calypso stated. Leo nodded and looked at Jason who had a troubled expression.

"Jason, your dad had nothing to do with it. He was against, remember? This is merely to get the blueprints, nothing else." Leo assured him. Jason didn't say anything, instead gave him a small smile and nodded.

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