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Day 1

It's been a whole day since Leo has gone missing, and Calypso hasn't slept one bit. After explaining to Percy and Annabeth everything about Leo's father and Hera, the group went out to find Leo.

They looked everywhere, but Leo was no where to be found. After it struck midnight, Jason decided that they would continue looking in the morning, to which everyone responded with a sluggish, tired nod.

When they all went on their separate ways to their dorms, Calypso actually went to the workshop. Leo gave her an extra key if she ever needed to go to the workshop for anything. Never did she think she would go there to have a private spot to cry in.

She knew that she shouldn't be crying, crying shows that you have given up. And she hasn't. But Leo has become such a vital point in her everyday life that the best thing she can think of is to cry.

What if something happened to him? What if he's hurt or...or worse?

Calypso shook her head at her thoughts.

Leo's fine. He is. He's alright...

Calypso effort to clean her face was pointless as more tears kept flooding down. Calypso didn't sleep that night.
Day 2

The next morning went by sluggishly slow. Everyone, including Percy and Annabeth, met at the cafeteria and talked about their plans to find Leo after school.

Calypso listened to the conversation, not having the strength to add or suggest anything. She barely ate her food, her thoughts always with Leo and the conversation in hand.

Percy and Annabeth were a little reluctant at first with the whole ideal. But they came around after they realized that Leo could be in serious danger. Annabeth suggested that it must have been Hera that kidnapped Leo, Calypso cringed at the word "kidnapped." She didn't like the idea of Hera having Leo.

After they finished discussing their plans for the afternoon, they went to their first class. Jason and Calypso walked together to Biology, both faces sketched with worry. Jason turned to Calypso as they walked.

"I'm sorry." He stated. Calypso looked at him in surprise.

"Why are you saying sorry?"

"Because maybe, if I wasn't such an ass, Leo would walking with us to Biology right now." Calypso stopped in the middle of the hallway, Jason stops as well.

"Jason, that isn't your fault. You were only trying to protect Piper and Leo." Calypso assured him.

"I was trying to protect you too. Calypso, we may not talk much, but you clearly make Leo happy. That already makes you a dear friend of mine." Jason puts a hand on her shoulder. Calypso smiles up at him. "But even after what I did, I couldn't protect him." Jason drops his hand from her shoulder and they start walking again.

"Jason, we'll find him." Calypso says as they walk inside Biology. "We have to."
After school, they all met up in front of Zeus' office.

"You're sure he isn't in there?" Percy asked as Jason walked up to the door.

"For the hundredth time, yes, I'm sure." Jason opens the door and they all walk in, with the exception of Percy and Annabeth who are staying watch outside.

Calypso immediately walks up to the moving bookcase and opens the secret room. They all walk inside and the bookcase closes behind them with a click. They all frown in disappointment.

"Dammit, he's not here!" Jason growls in frustration. Calypso feels ready to cry again but forces it down. She looks around to see if maybe Zeus was the one who took the blueprints but it seems that they weren't there. So either he wasn't the one, or he has them somewhere else now. She was just about ready to leave, but then something catches her eye.

My Heart Short Circuits - CALEO -Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin