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When Leo saw Calypso enter the cafeteria, his heart seem to short circuit.

It's not like he likes her, he barely knows her, but anyone will admit: Calypso is beautiful. Leo didn't know what it was, he's met plenty of pretty, hot girls, but none were beautiful as Calypso.

Leo looked away from her right before she looked at him. After a few seconds, Leo looked back and saw that she was sitting with Reyna and her friends. Leo wanted to talk with Calypso but she seemed to be having fun, so he decided against it, wouldn't want to ruin her fun, right Leo?

He turned back to his friends and picked up on their conversation.

"Okay, how about a museum?" Jason suggested. Piper rolled her eyes.

"Really, Jason? A museum?" Jason shrugged, "You need to be more romantic, it's your one year anniversary! How about me and Leo help you make a candle light dinner at the gazebo?" Piper asked.

The gazebo was one of the only places in the Wilderness school that didn't look like completely trash. It has a reputation for people confessing their feelings or couples having dates there. Leo has gone there but not for either of those reasons. He heard a few years ago that one of the beams was broken and the school hadn't bother to fix it, so he did it for them.

"Wait, why am I being brought into this?" Leo directed his question at Piper.

"He's your best friend, you're helping" Leo knew better than to fight with Piper and reluctantly agreed. Jason thanks them both and changes the subject.

"So, Leo..." Jason directs Leo's attention to him, "what was that whole passing notes in class with Calypso?" Jason asked with a smirk. Leo could feel his cheeks getting warm and looks away.

"Tried to woo her with my charm but it didn't work, so don't worry about it" Leo lied, hoping his friend would drop it. Leo knew Jason would but Piper on the other hand....

"Wait, what notes? Who's Calypso?" Piper asked, excited. Leo groaned and put his head in his hands. Jason chuckled and turned to Piper.

"Calypso Titaness, new in school. She's in our Biology class," Jason looked back at Leo, "and apparently Leo's new crush" Leo ripped his head from his hands and looked at Jason with wide eyes.

"I do not have a crush on her!" Leo stated. If Leo could create fire, he'd probably burst right about now. Piper squealed and looked at Leo.

Piper tended to get a little excited when it came for relationships. Piper was the type of person who was very much against what people think of women, always breaking the stereotypes. But even she has her moments. Though if Leo or Jason brought it up she would deny it with everything she had.

"You have to introduce her to us!" Piper persisted. Leo was about to say something else but suddenly a girl with red curly hair jumped behind Jason and Piper's chairs.

"If anyone asks, I'm not here" the girl stated. Leo thinks her name was Rachel, if he could recall correctly. As if on cue, a guy with blonde hair, more scrawny than Leo, came up to their table.

"Have any of you seen Rachel? Red curly hair?" The guy asked. Leo scowled as he realized who it was. Octavian. Jason told him no and Octavian looked at Leo. "It seems they haven't arrested you yet, have they?" Octavian accused. Leo clenched his hands into fists and refused to answer, in fear of losing control. Piper came to his rescue, and Rachel technically since she was still behind their chairs.

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