"I wouldn't worry about that too much babe. The world doesn't know Julius has a world class,certified 20/10 at home yet."

"Speaking of 20/10 you should look at the top ten sexiest men on the next page. Shirtless Michael B Jordan is giving me all the feels right now!" Penny squealed.

"Ouuf yes Jamie Dornan is one fine example of a man." Alina added.

"Let's not forget about Chris Pine. Definitely the definition of sexy!" I added laughing.

"Talking about me again ladies? I'm not surprised, your mates have got nothing on me." Xavier smirked entering the room with Julius,Tony and Damian in tow.

"You wish. We were talking about Jamie Dornan and Michael B Jordan and Chris Pine."

"Pfft. There's nothing special about those guys." Tony scoffed.

"Yeah just a bunch of Hollywood pretty boys." Damian added.

"Omg you guys are sooooo jealous!" Alina teased.

"No we are not!" The males whined simultaneously, causing us to explode with laughter.

"C'mon. I think we've had enough excitement for one night!" Penny announced.

One by one, everyone returned to their rooms until it was just Julius and I left.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go." I dragged my mate up the stairs to his room.

Removing my oversized sweatshirt, I plopped on the bed.

"Oooh now you want to come back and sleep here? What changed your mind?"

"I miss you." I shrugged

"Well that doesn't explain why you pushed me away."

Sighing, I patted the bed beside me, beckoning him to sit.

"I was afraid and feeling a little insecure."


"Because I was tainted and I felt weak.I know how important marking is to wolves. Wearing another wolf's mark made me feel so dirty and wrong. Terrible things happened. I'm pretty sure I killed Aaron after realising that he was actually my ex, Jace. He wanted to take advantage of me again and I couldn't let it happen. I.. feel so disgusted with myself. I wasn't sure if you would want me anymore."

"Estrella. I've said this 100 times but I will never stop saying it. There isn't anything on this earth that will change the way I feel about you. Sure it killed me to see you with Aaron's mark. But I ignored it because with or without it you are still my beautiful strong mate. As for Aaron, if it was up to me he would have died a much more gruesome and painful death. You did what you needed to do to protect yourself. You aren't tainted mi amor. I love you just the way you are, battle scars and all."

I could feel my tear ducts ready to explode by the time Julius had finished his profession of love. Without hesitation I shifted my body and pressed my lips to his. He reciprocated the kiss with the same immense hunger and passion.
I hadn't realised how much I had missed the feeling of his lips on mine and the sparks I felt when we touched.

Breathless and dazed I pulled away, resting my forehead on his. I could feel the blush creeping onto my cheeks.

"I love you Alpha." I whispered

"I love you too mi amor." He whispered back, holding me close.

"Awwww look at the two love birds. Back together again. They look so peaceful."

"Awwww so cute. Too bad. WAKE UP SLEEPING BEAUTIES!" Alina screamed at the top of her voice, bashing the two cymbals in her hands against each other.

Loving Alpha Stone [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now