Chapter Seventeen

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*Two Months and a Day Later*

Taylor's POV

I awoke slowly, finding Ed's arms wrapped around me. I smiled, and receded further into his warm embrace, enjoying the sense of security and safety I got while laying here with him. A few minutes later, he woke up.

"Mm... Good morning, love." He said, kissing the back of my head. I rolled around in his arms to look at him, our faces only inches apart.

"Good morning." I said, ruffling his hair playfully. "Do you know what today is?" I asked, excited.

"Um...." He said. "Friday." He tried, and I shook my head.

"Us being together, today, makes this the longest relationship I've ever been in. And I'd like it to stay that way." I told him, and we both smiled.

"Me too. Say, would you like to go out for ice cream to celebrate?" He suggested, and I nodded.

"I would love that!" I said, and we hopped out of bed. I got ready quickly, and Ed did the same. Somehow, I was downstairs before he was, which is odd, because usually I'm finishing up my hair or makeup, and he's down here telling me to hurry up already. "There you are! What took you so long?" I asked impatiently as he made his way down the stairs a few minutes later.

" know, getting ready and stuff." He replied.

"Getting ready and stuff?" I asked.

"Yeah. I have to make sure my socks are put on just the right way, I can't go around without my socks being absolutely perfect." He said sarcastically, and I giggled. He took my hand and led me out of the apartment, into the elevator, and then into the parking lot below the building. I got into the passengers seat, and Ed into the drivers. I held his hand again, and he smiled. He drove us to an ice cream parlor that wasn't too far away.

"What are you gonna get?" I asked as we walked in.

"I don't know, probably some mint chocolate chip ice cream, gummi worms, cookie dough, M&Ms, and then hot fudge drizzled on top. What about you?" He asked, and I giggled. "You don't have to embarrass your self by telling me, we both know your ice cream creation won't nearly be as good as mine." He said sarcastically, and I laughed. Then, it was our turn in line, and we ordered. Once we had our treats, we took a seat in one of the booths.

"Are you happy with my weak vanilla with cookie dough?" I asked sarcastically.

"As long as it makes you happy, it makes me happy." He said, and I smiled. Halfway through, we traded ice creams. It's sort of a thing we always do, without question.

"I guess yours is pretty good too." I said as I took bites of his.

"Told you." He joked, and I giggled. "Have you ever thought about buying a house with me, love? Just you know...theoretically." He asked as he stared down at his (technically mine thank you) cup of ice cream.

"Yeah! That would be amazing!" I replied enthusiastically. "I would love that!" I told him, and he nodded. We finished up, and I threw our stuff in the trash can. I turned around, expecting Ed to be right behind me, but he was still at the table. He motioned for me to come back over as he stood up. I walked over, and he took his hands in mine. "Taylor Alison Swift, where do I begin?" He said, and I smiled, giving him a soft kiss.

"At the beginning." I said matter of factly, and he laughed.

"I guess that works. The first time I met you, I felt like I had already known you my whole life. We just clicked so perfectly, I couldn't imagine not hanging out with you. So, we hung out for six months on tour. That was amazing, I need to thank you. Those six months were wonderful, because I was always spending time with you. Then, you went on the rest of the tour, and I missed you loads while you were away. That's why I immediately came back right after it was over, I wanted to just be in your company again." He said, and I smiled.

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