Chapter Thirteen

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Ed's POV

I woke up the next morning, and took in my surroundings. It took me a moment to realize I was in Taylor's apartment, on her couch, with her. I sighed, knowing that in a few short hours I'd be flying away from her again. I pulled her closer, taking in the smell of her hair and how warm her body always seems to be.

"Ed...don't go..." She mumbled, probably still partially asleep. I smiled.

"I'm going around the world, but my heart is still with you, Taylor." I gave her a cheesy quote, and she giggled. I guess she is awake. "You're beautiful as you sleep, love." I told her.

"Except for the fact that I'm not. My hair is a mess, I'm wearing my pjs, and I don't have any make up on. But thank you for the wonderful compliment." She said, and I shook my head.

"I totally disagree Taylor. You're beautiful, and you always will be, inside and out, no matter how cheesy that sounds. I love you." I promised, and she rolled around in my arms to face me.

"You're absolutely the best." She said, kissing me softly. I pulled her close, placing my hands on her hips. Her arms reached tightly around my waist, holding our bodies against each other. I felt her every movement, and I loved it. All of a sudden, she jumped away.

"Taylor, what is it?" I asked, concerned, keeping a hand on her waist.

"Your flight leaves in half an hour!" She said, looking at the clock on the wall. I sighed, and we both got up. We got together the one or two things I had unpacked, and hopped into the car. I immediately grabbed her hand as she drove, and she grinned. "So I take it that this is the absolute last possible chance that you get to see me before you're done touring?" She asked, and I nodded softly.

"New York was easy to work out, and this was quite a long stretch, but it was so worth it. The twentieth and the twenty third are the two dates that are the farthest away, and I just used those up. So, that is correct, I won't be able to see you until I'm done touring. And I'll miss you everyday until then." I told her, and she grinned.

"I want calls from you everyday." She demanded playfully.

"And you will get multiple calls from me, daily." I promised, bringing her hand up to my mouth and giving it a kiss. We rode the rest of the way there in silence. When we got to the airport, she grabbed my bags out of the back and brought them into the airport. We walked to my gate, and she handed me my suitcase. I set it on the floor behind me, staring her up and down multiple times before pulling her close and kissing her. I wrapped my arms around her waist, hers around mine. We held each other as close for as long as possible, taking quick short breaths when needed. I looked at my watch, and saw that I really needed to go. "Last one, make it unforgettable." I told her, and she did. She cupped her hands on my face, kissing me with such a passion that caused me to only want to stand here forever. She pulled away, and stared into my eyes, before I had to pull out of her warm embrace. "I love you, Taylor, and I'll call you when I land!" I said, placed a quick kiss on her cheek, and then ran through the gate and onto my plane.

Taylor's POV

I watched as Ed dashed through the gate. He really had to get going, but I wish he didn't. I wish he could just stay here with me, and never have to do anything, or ever leave. I sighed and walked slowly back to my car, thinking of how amazing it was of him to fly all the way back from Europe just to come and check on me. He is amazing.

When I got home, I flopped onto the sofa. I stared up at the ceiling, feeling another sense of overwhelming loneliness. I was still sort of tired, so I rolled over and went back to sleep.

I'm standing in a field, and there's no one else here. I look around, and all I see for miles is tall grass that comes up to my knees. All of a sudden, I hear heavy footsteps, and I whirl around. I realize I'm wearing a full length gown, one that looks like it might've been from Shakespearian times. I see Ed running towards me, and I grin. I try to run to him, but I feel as if though my dress is weighing me down. I can't take a step! Ed looks like he's running closer to me, but he keeps moving further away. We both stretch our hands out, and for a moment my fingertips connect with his, before they're brutally yanked away, but by what I can't tell. I start crying, I miss him so much and know he's right here, and I just can't get to him. He continues to recede off into the far away horizon, until I can barely see him. I call out his name, but I get no response. I continue to cry, and I collapse onto the ground.

I sit up, taking quick breaths and shuddering. "It was just a dream. Just a dream." I told myself. I was able to calm myself down a little, but it wasn't the same when I didn't have Ed here to console me and give me a hug. I had only been asleep an hour, so I couldn't call him, as he would still be on the plane. For seventeen more hours. I sighed, laid back down, and went to sleep.

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