Chapter Fifteen

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Ed's POV

"Only eighteen hours to go before I get to kiss your beautiful lips." I told Taylor over the phone as I walked into the airport.

"Eighteen long painful hours of waiting." She said.

"But they will be so worth it. With every second, I'm only getting closer to you." I told her, and I could hear her smile in her response.

"I like that. A lot. And tomorrow night, I can cuddle up with you on my sofa and watch TV with you like I've been wanting so badly to do the past month and two weeks." She said.

"That sounds wonderful, Taylor. Listen, I have to get going now, they're asking us to turn off our phones. I'll see you soon!" I told her.

"I'll see you soon!" She repeated. "Bye. I love you!"

"I love you too, bye." I said, and hung up, cramming my phone into my back pocket as I boarded the plane.

Taylor's POV

Finally, after three long, drawn out months, I'll finally get to spend time with him, without worrying about how he might be leaving soon. I ran upstairs and hopped into bed happily, knowing that when I wake up, I'll only have a couple more hours to go.

I tossed and turned all night, excited about seeing Ed. I couldn't hardly get any sleep, and finally at about seven in the morning, I gave up and went downstairs. Only six more hours to go, I thought in my head. I ate breakfast, and then got ready for the day. I put on some jeans and my Ed Sheeran shirt, knowing we would both have a laugh of it. After doing my hair and makeup, I went back downstairs and sat on the sofa. Four and a half hours, I thought again. I turned on Grey's Anatomy, but it didn't seem to hold my interest. I pulled my phone out and scrolled through all our texts. The first ones sent seemed like conversations that happened lifetimes ago. Slowly, I read text after text until I made it to the bottom. I looked at the time, only three hours left. I tried to watch Grey's Anatomy some more, but my mind drifted back to Ed. I made a folder on my phone of all the pictures of us, and I slowly scrolled through them, remembering the story behind each photo. When I finished with that, I looked at the time. Two hours. I hit play on another episode, and this time I watched it all the way through. One hour left when it finished. I pulled out my phone, tweeted about missing Ed, then hopped in the car, telling myself that was close enough. I've now got forty five minutes, and the drive to the airport should take about thirty. I can't wait!

I got the airport, and ran out of the car and inside. I walked over to his gate, and looked at my watch. According to his flight information that I had in my hand, he should be here in ten minutes. I paced back and forth, looking back at my watch every few seconds.

The time he was supposed to get here came and went. Now it's five minutes past and I'm really starting to worry. All of a sudden, an automated voice came over the loud speaker. "Security breach, flight number 1356. No visitors are allowed to enter or exit Nashville International Airport." I stood in shock, as all the security guards began locking the doors. I looked at Ed's flight info, and sure enough, he was on flight 1356. They played the message again, and I hoped I had heard them wrong, but I hadn't. I grew very worried, and ran over to a security guard.

"What's a security breach? What's going on?" I asked frantically, but the guard didn't look at me, he continued reading the checklist in his hands.

"I am not authorized to release that information to the general public." He said in a monotone, still not looking at me.

"We'll, I'm his girlfriend, and I need to know what's going on!" I screamed, hoping he would understand.

"Ma'am, I'm afraid you're most likely not dating the passenger on this flight." He said, looking through his checklist still.

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