Chapter Twelve

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Ed's POV

Taylor was short with me, but that was to be expected. I deserve all this after what she's been through, and then even thinking leaving my phone out while Harry's around, I'm getting what I deserve.

I need to see her. I need to talk to her face to face. But, I've still got a month and two weeks before I see her, and I can't wait that long. I called up Stu, my manager. "What?" He mumbled after he picked up on the third ring.

"I need to go to Nashville. Now." I said, cutting right to it.

"Hate to break it you, but you're on tour. You can't just fly to Nashville because you want to." He replied.

"No, Taylor needs me. I need to go and see her, I need to talk to her. I would be cool with just staying one short night, just a couple hours or something. But I am going to Nashville."

"You can wait it out for the month and couple weeks you've got left." He said, but I wholeheartedly disagreed.

"No. I am not waiting. My next show isn't until the twenty third, and today was the twentieth. I could hop on a flight right now, and fly back later tomorrow." I said.

"If you really need to...but you need to be back by the morning of the twenty third." He said, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thanks so much, Stu."

"No problem. I'm going to call your private jet pilot, and tell him to be ready in..."

"Half an hour."

"Ok. Half an hour. Then you can work out the details on flying back win him. Goodnight." He said, and hung up. I hopped up and got together my few things, and then ran downstairs and hailed a taxi. It took me to the airport, and I ran to where the private jets usually are. I quickly boarded, and we were off. I tried to get sleep, but my mind was racing. I debated upon all the possible ways I could try and talk to her, but I just feel so unsure. I doubt she would even let me in the door...




Eighteen hours later, my flight landed and I ran off the plane and through the airport. It's just about eight in the morning here, I bet Taylor's already gone to sleep and woken up again. I caught a taxi and the ride to Taylor's apartment seemed to take years.

Taylor's POV

I laid in bed last night, unable to get a bit of sleep. I stared at the ceiling, contemplating what I wanted to do with the day, when I heard someone knock on the door. I ran downstairs, and I threw the door open to find Ed standing there. At first, I was excited to see him, but I quickly reminded myself he had heartlessly broken up with me.

"Ed? What are you doing here?" I asked shortly. "I thought you were away on tour." I snapped.

"I was, but I needed to come see you. I'm so sorry, I can explain." He said, seeming to care, but I wasn't sure if I bought it.

"Explain what? You texted me and said that we were done. And that was it! Nothing else, no more anything, no more discussion, nothing." I returned sharply.

"No, Taylor, just hear me out on this one. I didn't send those texts-"

"Well then who did? Did autocorrect screw you up?" I replied mock-sarcastically.

"Harry did. I was at his flat, and he was drunk. I had to use the restroom, so I ran upstairs. I accidentally left my phone downstairs, and he took it and texted you. I'm so sorry Taylor, I would strangle him if I could. I wouldn't ever want to break up with you, you're perfect and amazing and beautiful and I'm so so sorry, I don't deserve you Taylor. You deserve a better boyfriend than one who spends time with your exes, and then leaves his phone out so your ex can steal it and make you feel terrible." He finished, and I was in amazement.

"You flew all the way out here to tell me that?" I asked softly, not snapping at him.

"Yes. I knew that you would need a hug and I figured you probably wouldn't want to talk to me over the phone, so I decided that my best option was to show up here." He explained, and I smiled.

"And you still love me, even though I was just snapping at you and completely railing on you?" I asked.

"Of course, Taylor. I will love you until the earth stops spinning. Even if you went on and married someone else and grew old with him, I would still love you and daydream about you and all the things we could be." He told me, and I smiled even more. "Could you forgive me for being such an idiot?" He asked.

"You didn't do a thing wrong." I replied simply, and I jumped on him with a kiss, my lips against his. At first he was a little surprised, but he caught on quickly, and held me close as he kissed back. I wrapped my arms tightly around him, unwilling to let him go. We pulled away, and I looked up at him.

"So...are we cool?" He asked with a smile, and I nodded. I took his hand and led him into my apartment. He tossed his stuff down by the door, and he shut it behind him. We both sat down on the couch, and I leaned up against him, wrapping my arms around him.

"I'm sorry too. For snapping at you and cutting you off. I was being a complete jerk." I apologized, and he kissed my head.

"It's ok, I deserved it. You really are the most beautiful, perfect, amazing, flawless girl on the planet, though." He said, and I smiled.

"I'm not even half those. And what you said earlier, about me not deserving you, I think you're totally wrong." I told him, snuggling up closer to him.

"Oh?" He asked with a polite smile.

"I think it's the other way around. I was short and snappy with you, but you still interrupted your tour to fly out and see me, on the hopes I would understand where you were coming from. You're the best boyfriend a girl could ever dream for. I love you." I said.

"I love you too, Taylor." He said, and I smiled.

"Thank you so much for coming all the way out here. I did need someone to hug and talk to, and I'm so glad it was you. I'm sorry I'm such an emotional roller coaster." I apologized.

"It's ok, your head was in the spot it should've been. No one could expect you to be cool with your boyfriend breaking up with you when he's halfway around the world, over text especially." He assured me, and I gave him a quick squeeze.

"Best. Boyfriend. Ever. How long are you staying?" I asked.

"I leave at eleven AM tomorrow, Nashville time." He responded, and I grinned.

"Yay! That means I get over twenty four hours with you. Thank you so so so much, Ed. I couldn't even describe to you how much I love you." I told him, and he smiled.

"I love you too, Taylor. Say, would you like to go out and get some ice cream with me?" He asked, and I giggled.

"Ed, it's eight thirty in the morning!" I said, grinning.

"Well, I haven't had breakfast, and ice cream sounds like a wonderful choice. I take it you haven't had any breakfast either?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Ice cream for breakfast it is!" She said, and we slipped our shoes on and ran out the door.

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