Chapter Five

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*About One Week Later*

Taylor's POV

I held my phone in my hand, knowing that Ed would finish with his concert any moment and FaceTime me. Sure enough, the phone rang and I excitedly hit accept.


"Hey Taylor!" He said as he sat down on the bed in his tour bus.

" you know what's being released two weeks from today?" I asked excitedly.

"Ummm...let's see...oh, you know, I heard Taylor Swift is releasing her album soon! You know, I can't WAIT to see her again, because we hang out all the time. It's super cool, getting to hang out with Taylor Swift." He said in sort of third person. I grinned, feeling my stomach twist itself into knots.

"You know, it's funny you say that, because I can't WAIT to see Ed Sheeran again! He's really cool, and I LOVE h...." I was about to say him, but I caught myself. "Hanging out with him! He's so fun!" I said, and we both giggled. "But yeah... My album's being released two weeks from now!" I said, excited.

"That's so cool! I'm already planning on wearing my Taylor Swift shirt and buying it at midnight." He promised, and I grinned.

"Really?" I asked. "You already know all the songs and everything, you helped me write half of them!"

"Of course! Like you don't have a million copies of X lying around your house, we practically wrote the whole thing together." He returned, and I nodded, grinning.

"Well, thank you. I really wish you could be there for the release though." I said, really really hoping he could be, somehow.

"Yeah... But, we could throw a party together the next time I see you, just you and me, what do you say?" He asked, and I grinned, nodding crazily.

"I would LOVE that, Ed, absolutely LOVE that." I promised, feeling a million butterflies in my stomach. "Hey, why don't we set up this party for the day you get back, maybe you could just spend the night? We could have a sleepover or something!" I suggested, biting my lip as I nervously waited for his response, but I didn't have to wait long.

"That would be wonderful, Taylor. Just you and me?"

"Just you and me." I promised. "So today marks the second week I've gone without seeing you."

"Yes. One week closer to seeing each other!" He added happily.

"Yep! So, where are you going on tour the next two weeks?" I asked, making conversation, just so I didn't have to end the video call. "Anywhere exciting?"

"Somewhere very exciting." He said, but didn't elaborate on it.

"Where would that be?"

"I'd tell you, but that would take all the fun out of it. And please don't research it, Taylor.'ll understand in a little bit, I promise." He said seriously, and I playfully frowned.

"And you're sure you can't tell me?" I asked.

"Positive." He said with a yawn.

"I guess I'll let you get some sleep then." I said reluctantly.

"Yeah. Bye Taylor!"

"Bye Ed!" I said, and hung up. I wonder where it is that he's going that he wouldn't want me to find out about. Probably just a practical joke or something. Oh well.

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