Chapter Fourteen

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*Two Weeks Later*

Taylor's POV

"Two weeks down! One month to go!" I cheered, and on my little phone screen I could see Ed smile.

"That means only thirty one days ahead of us!" He agreed, and I grinned. "I can't wait to see you again, Taylor. I am so looking forward to when I get back, we'll have a sleepover and hangout and I honestly just can't wait to hold you in my arms again." He told me, and I continued to grin endlessly.

"I've daydreamed about that like, everyday since you left. I'll see you in the airport, you'll see me, and we'll both just run to each other, and I'll like jump onto you and you'll hold me close and kiss me and I really can't wait to be in your arms either." I agreed, and he smiled as well. A strand of hair fell into my face, and I quickly pushed it back.

"That was adorable." He said, and I laughed.

"Me pushing a strand of hair out of my face?" I laughed again.

"Everything you do is adorable, love." He said, laughing a little bit too. "I can't wait to be with your adorable-ness in thirty one days."

"I KNOW. I mean like, I'm already with myself, like, I can't wait for you to be with me..." I trailed off, and he laughed.

"You know, you're already quite lucky that you're constantly with yourself, you're pretty amazing." He joked, and I giggled.

"Yes, quite amazing that I'm with myself all the time." I replied sarcastically. "It's a good thing you're always with that Ed Sheeran guy, you can always have him sing you to sleep. I can't get to sleep without listening to his song Kiss Me, it's actually really good. You should check it out sometime!" I replied in sort of third person, and we both laughed again.

"Yeah, you know, I actually know that Kiss Me song very well, surprisingly." He said sarcastically. "Is that really how you get to sleep every night?" He asked softly. I nodded.

"Yeah. Cuz...I wanna kiss you...and I like listening to your voice...that sounds stupid but..." I told him.

"Awe, Taylor, that's not stupid at all. If it makes you feel any better, I listen to Ours every night. I feel as if it describes our situation perfectly, especially the music video." He said, and now that I thought about it, I agreed.

"You're right! I'm constantly staring at pictures and videos of us, and in the end, I'm gonna run into your arms at the airport. And you should very much disregard anything my dad says about your tattoos, I think they're wonderful. Especially the Red one." I said with a smile, and he nodded.

"Yes, personal favorite of mine, don't you know." He said, raising the sleeve of his shirt a little to show me. I grinned, remembering the interview he had given about it when he had first gotten it.

"And if Taylor and I ever fall out, I can just cover up the R and it says Ed! But Taylor and I won't ever fall out." I recited, and we both smiled. "Never ever going to fall out, like ever."

"Sounds like the perfect plan to me!" He replied, and then yawned.

"I guess you're tired then..." I said, and he nodded.

"Yeah...I'll call you tomorrow, though. I love you Taylor!" He said, and we both waved at the camera.

"I love you too, Ed. Bye!" I replied.

"Bye!" He said, blew a kiss, and then hung up. I turned Kiss Me back on, and I grinned at the lyrics. I laid down in bed and went to sleep, knowing that every time I go to sleep, that's one time down that I will have to sleep without Ed cuddling next to me. But man, does this bed feel empty when I'm alone.

A/N: Sorry, this chapter is sort of a filler. The next chapter is ABSOLUTELY AWESOME so get excited y'all. Thanks so much for reading, and be sure to vote and comment your thoughts!

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