Chapter Four

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*A Few Days Later*

Taylor's POV

Lately, I've been coming up with any reason possible to call Ed. Just an excuse to get on the phone and listen to his voice. Right now, my excuse is just that it's been a week, so now there's only two months and three weeks until I see him. I dialed his number as I paced the kitchen.

"Hey Taylor!" He greeted when he picked up.

"Hi Ed! Today marks one week since I've seen you, only two months and three weeks!" I exclaimed, glad that I've already gotten one week out of the way.

"That's great! It feels like it's been way longer than a week since seeing you." He said, and I agreed.

"I know! I miss you..." I childishly moaned.

"I miss you too. Right now, imagine me giving you a hug. My arms wrapped around your waist, yours around mine, you leaning your head on my shoulder." He visualized, and I stopped for a moment to imagine it. In my head, it was a little bit more romantic. I saw him from yards away, then seeing me, and running at full speed to me, just like in my Love Story music video. Then, we finally, instead of hugging as Ed described, kiss, in the middle of a field, both of us so glad to see each other, my arms wrapped around him, one of his hands against the back of my head and the other cupping my head, neither of us willing to pull aw-

"Taylor? Are you still there?" Ed asked.

"Huh? Oh...yeah. Daydreaming." I explained shortly, hoping he wouldn't dig further, but he did.

"Just about a hug?" He asked, also seeing how that might be a little crazy.

"Well...sort of." I left it at that.

"Sort of?"

"I...I imagined what that hug would be like at the airport, when I come to pick you up in a couple months." I quickly lied, not wanting to tell him what I was really thinking. "I really cannot wait to see you, Ed."

"Taylor, you're adorable. I miss you too. I so so so miss you too." He promised, and I grinned.


"Of course. How could I not miss my best friend?" He said, as if it was obvious. My smile grew impossibly larger.

"How could I not miss my best friend?" I returned, and we both laughed. Then, awkward silence followed.

"So...I guess I have to get going then, sound check and stuff." He excused himself, and I sighed quietly.

"Okaaaayy." I whined childishly. "FaceTime me later?" I asked.

"Of course. Bye!"

"Bye Ed!" I said, and hung up. I sat down on the sofa and petted Olivia. Meredith was probably off somewhere in a corner licking herself. "Do you miss him too, Liv?" I asked, although that obviously didn't get a reply. "Do you think he misses me?" I asked again, still without response. I started daydreaming out loud, since no one was here to listen in on my thoughts. "What's it going to be like when he comes back from his tour, and we're at the airport? I wonder if he'll even have missed me. At least I have an excuse to be there, and get a whole car ride home with him. Maybe I could convince him to spend the night or something, he'd have his clothes and things with him. Imagine if he ever asked me on a date, Liv. That would be the best. Literally. What if he did though? He doesn't have a girlfriend...but he might find one while he's touring." I ended on a sad note. I pulled out my guitar and started strumming Come Back...Be Here, and soon enough I was singing the lyrics at the top of my lungs, mostly just screaming. I thought of the whole song as being about Ed, and when I finished, I was in tears. I picked up my phone and debating texting him, but I bet I bother him too much as it is already.

I laid back down on the sofa and stared up at the ceiling, remembering how we'd have sleepovers and he'd fall asleep on the other sofa. It's going to be two months and three weeks before I see him again.

Two months.

And three weeks.

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