"How can you do this to me! I'm carrying your child Drew, doesn't that mean anything to you?" She yelled.

"Just because your carrying my child doesn't mean shit to me."

I hung up the phone because she was starting to piss me off. I don't like talking to her stupid ass like that, but she kept bothering me. Sometimes I wish she wasn't pregnant and made her get an abortion. I heard Destiny foot steps get closer as I sat in silence.

"Are you ok?" She asked, running her hands through my dreads.

"Yeah babe, I'm ok." I said pecking her lips.

"Who was that?"

"Nobody, don't worry about it. It was some work that I had to take care of."

"Oh ok." She stared at me for awhile with out responding. I just pray everything goes ok.

* Destiny P.O.V *

I could tell that he was lying when he said whoever called him was nobody, but I decided to find out who they were when he fell asleep. I know we aren't officially together, but I promise if he seeing some other chick, oh we are going to have some problems.

"I'm getting sleepy. I think I'm going to go to bed, you coming?" I asked reaching out my hand.

"Yeah." We got up off the coach and headed towards our room. I took off the clothes I was wearing and got in bed. Drew did the same thing since he is already wearing basketball shorts.

"You know I love you right?" I rolled over so I was facing him.


"You know I would do anything for you?"

"Yes, I know."

"Can you make me a promise, ma?"


"That you just stand by me. Even if we don't end up together in the future or even through this this whole pregnancy thing. Can you just be there for me?"

"Always, you never have to ask me that because I'm gonna stand by you. I love you. The only thing that can make me leave you is either you cheat on me again or death."

"Love you, ma." I kissed his lips then snugged into him.

"I love you too."

"Goodnight babe." I said before kissing him one more time.

"Goodnight." I looked at the clock and it read 12:35 am. I was trying to go to sleep but, the mystery person on the phone was eating me alive. I know I should leave it alone, but something is telling me to just check who it is. Call it a women's intuition if you want, but I just knew that something was wrong.

"Hey baby, did you change your mind." Some woman said on the phone. She had this thick accent like she was from the island.

"This isn't Drew."

"Then who is this?" She asked with an attitude.

"Don't worry about that. But who you are?"

"I'm Stacy, his baby mama."

"What are you doing calling his phone?"

"Bitch who the fuck are you, asking all these damn questions?"

"His fiance."

"Oh you must be the bitch who stole my man away from me?"

"Hoe you getting a too comfortable with calling me a bitch." I said giving her attitude back.

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