He proposes *requested*

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Zayn : Zayn had been running around all day, you'd barely even seen him. When you did see him he was extremely on edge. "Zayn, settle down. Let's just go grab something to eat." You suggested as Zayn stressed out waiting for a phone call. "We'll go out tonight. I have to go but I'll pick you up at seven." He kissed your cheek and walked out the door. That night Zayn picked you up. He'd texted you earlier telling you that you should dress up. You wore a midnight blue, one shoulder, dress with crystal detailing and your favorite pair of heels. "You look lovely." Zayn said kissing you softly. He still wasn't completely himself but he didn't seem as stressed, just nervous. Zayn took you to your favorite restaurant, and when you got inside it was empty. You guys were the only people there besides the staff. "Did you rent this place out?" You looked at Zayn. "I wanted us to be alone. No interuptions. No signing autographs. No security. Just us." You kissed him because it was such a sweet gesture, and while it was over the top, you really appreciated it. It was going to be nice to spend the night with Zayn with no fans coming up to you guys. You and Zayn had your meal, he was quiet the whole night, like he was nervous for something. But it was still enjoyable. "Come here." He took your hand and guided you in to the restaurant's kitchen. He led you to the back of the kitchen and up a set of stairs. The stairs led you to the roof of the restaurant. It was a gorgeous roof top garden with the most beautiful flowers. There was a gorgeous marble fountain with roses laid all around it. Cushions and blankets laid of the ground. You and Zayn laid and star gazed for a while. "This is beautiful, Zayn." You smiled. Zayn stood up. "What are you doing?" You asked. He took your hand and pulled you up with him. He got down on one knee and pulled out a box, instantly tears of joy filled your eyes. "(Y/N)," he smiled, you could see his eyes getting watery. "I've never loved anyone like I love you. You mean the whole world to me and I want to be with you forever. Will you marry me?" At this point tears were streaming down both of your faces. "Yes." You smiled. He placed the diamond ring on your finger. He pulled you in for a huge hug. Both of you giggled and your cheeks hurt so much from smiling. After you finally pulled away you laid back down to look at the stars together. Your head rested on Zayn's chest. "I can't believe we're engaged." he said. You leaned your head up to kiss him. It was the most passionate kiss you'd ever had. "My first kiss with my fiance." You laughed.

Louis : Louis called you and told you he was picking you up in fifteen minutes. No questions asked you had to be ready. This was typical Louis thing. He loved being spontaneous. Louis sent you a text to meet him on your buildings roof. You had no idea what could be happening but you went with it. You got up there and there was a massive hot air ballon and Louis stood inside it. "What is going on, Lou?!" You laughed. "Come on!" He yelled for you to come closer. You got up the ballon and Louis helped you in. "Where did you get a hot air balloon?" You couldn't stop laughing and smiling. "I found it at the grocery store." He joked. Louis pulled you in beside him in the balloon's basket. You began floating up in to the sky. It was so romantic and so mesmerizing. You gave Louis a peck on the lips. "Is that all I get?" He cupped your face and pulled you in kissing you with more passion. You began making out but then you pulled away. "I want to take in the view for a bit." You smiled. He fake groaned, "I suppose you're right." You enjoyed the spectacular view before the balloon started to land. You landed in a field somewhere. Louis helped you out of the basket and you saw what he'd done. There was a huge elephant fifty feet away from you. "Oh my gosh!" You screamed. You told Louis on your first date you'd always wanted to ride an elephant. He took your hand and you both started towards the elephant. You both were helped on by the instructer and you began riding. Louis sat behing you with his arms wrapped around your waist. "I remembered what you told me on our first date." He whispered. "You're amazing." You smiled. Louis kissed down your neck. The elephant was stopped by another instucter after you rode him for about fifteen minutes. He'd taken you to a a huge tent. You and Louis got off the elephant and Louis handed you a needle. "What's this for?" You asked. "You'll see." He smirked. You both went inside the tent and it was filled completely with ballons. "You have to pop them until you find a surprise." He told you. You began popping balloons, all of them so far had been empty. After twenty whole minutes of popping, you'd gotten a good portion of the balloons. You popped a bright pink one and something fell to the floor. It was a diamond ring. Louis picked it up, "(Y/N), you are the most beautiful girl in the whole world. I can't imagine not spending the rest of my life you, so please say yes. Will you marry me?" He smiled. You were crying so much you couldn't speak so you nodded 'yes'. He was so happy he ran and picked you up and kissed you. "We're engaged!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. You guys stood in the tent kissing and hugging and crying but finally you decided to call everyone you knew and let them know the news.

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