you meet the boys for the first time

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Harry : "Harry I'm just so nervous," You whispered as you and Harry started walking toward the recording studio. You and Harry had planned to finally have you meet the boys today, you never had the chance to properly meet them because of conflicting schedules but that didn't mean you haven't spoken on the phone a few times with them. Harry stared down at you since he was about a foot taller. "Babe, don't be they are going to adore you, trust me" He said as his lips turned up slightly. "But what if they don't, I'll feel so shitty they are four of your best friends," You pressed as you tried to catch your reflection on a car and fix yourself up, not that you needed too. "Alright! Enough with all the none sense," Harry said as he placed his large and on the small of your back and guided you through a few hallways until finally entering a specific door. Inside were various people sprawled out either reading, talking, working on something with the mix board, or just fooling around. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up at you and Harry. You silently hid behind Harry and clutched the back of his shirt. "Lads, this is [Y/N]," Harry simply stated. As soon as your name left his mouth all the guys stood up and rushed toward you. You couldn't even register who was who as they all grabbed you and started giving you bear hugs. You felt the nervousness from earlier flush away as you hugged the boys back. "It's so great to finally meet the mysterious kitty cat Harry is dating," Louis said wiggling his eyebrows. The other boys kept complimenting you and telling you how happy they were to have finally met you. "Told you they would love you," Harry whispered in your ear before giving you a big kiss on the cheek.

Liam : You giggled under your breath as Liam stared down at you smiling widely, his eyes gleaming with happiness. How freaking adorable can this man get? You thought as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and brought you close to him. "So what do you think they are going to say about me?" You asked your boyfriend as you wrapped your arm around his waist and walked down the sidewalk. "Well, Harry might say something inappropriate like 'That's a nice you got yourself there', Niall is very sweet so he will say something along the lines 'I'm glad you found someone perfect for you buddy', Zayn would most likely think you are drop dead gorgeous and ask if you are or were ever a model and Louis, I have no clue what he would do or even say, he's unpredictable," Liam said laughing under his breath. You hadn't met the boys yet but from all that you heard from Liam you felt as if you've known them forever. "Are you ready?" Liam asked as you two stood outside the restaurant you all were meeting up at. "As ready as I'll ever be," You chimed, Liam smiled widely and grabbed your hand leading you in. As soon as you two reached your table all four boys stood up and greeted you. You already knew who was who because of pictures Liam would send, or show you. Liam was right in the sense that they did say something similar to what he had told you which had you laughing. You were having a great time through out the dinner and couldn't have been happier to finally meet and get along with your boyfriend best friends. "Thank you for being so amazing," Liam had told you by the end of the night. You smiled up at your boyfriend and stood on your tip toes and kissed him gently on his neck where his cute birth mark was.

Louis : "Just stand there and say things I would say, but don't turn around, okay babe?" Louis said as he hid behind a few things. You shook your head but faced away from the door and messed around with Louis shirt. You were currently wearing his clothes, he even made you put a beanie on to hide your long hair. Louis thought it would be great to confuse the lads and prank them by having you act like him. You haven't met the other four boys yet but today you finally were which made you happy and excited since they were a big part of Louis life. The door flew open and you instantly got into character "Hey Lou!," A irish accent called out, must be Niall you thought. You cleared your throat and acted as if busy "'Ello Niall," You tried your best to imitate your boyfriend. "Hey boo bear, you alright," You gasped loudly as you felt a hand slap your bottom. You turned around and faced Harry Styles who instantly grew shock. "Who are you?!" Harry asked worried, the other boys looked startled as well and Louis jumped up from his hiding place "You idiot, she's my girlfriend!" Louis said making his way toward you. Harry turned red and covered his face "I'm so so so so so so sorry, I actually thought you were Louis," Harry groaned as all the boys laughed at him. You soon joined in on the laughter and told Harry it was alright, all the boys introduced themselves to you and you soon grew acquainted with the four boys easily falling into conversation with each of them.

Niall : "Babe," You said as you grabbed a napkin from the table. Niall turned to you with his cheeks puffed out since he had his mouth full, he scrunched up his nose and attempted to say "what" "You got a bit of something here," You said as you wiped the corner of his mouth. Niall happily let you clean his face as he continue to chew on his food. Suddenly four faces appeared outside the window and even though they were outside and you were in you could still here them all in sync say "Aww". You blushed ad hid your face into you hands but smiled all the same, you knew who they were because you had had briefly met them before but you didn't even have time to exchange names with them. Niall did a few hand motions the guys indicating that we will be out in a second. You called for the check and Niall paid quickly, the two of you headed out the small diner and toward the boys. You had planned to go to the local food festival that was passing through town, yes even after you and Niall just ate. Once you and Niall had reached the guys they all pulled you into hugs and gave you a kiss on both cheeks, you blushed and returned the greeting. "Niall, you and [Y/n] are perfect for each other," Liam said excitedly as he and Niall watched you and Harry try out different sorts of sweets. Niall smiled to himself and buried his hands into his pockets and nodded "Yeah," He said dreamily.

Zayn : You patiently waited in line as you neared the boys at their signing. Zayn had known you were coming but you decided to surprise him by acting like a fan. Once you had reached the table you smiled widely walking up to Niall, "Hi I'm [Y/n],' You said "Hello love, nice meeting you," He said. He looked at you for a moment "Do you want me to sign anything?" He asked confused "Nope!" You said happily then moved since the girl in front of you did and you were being forced too. You repeated your greeting to Liam, who gave your knuckles a polite kiss "Anything you want me to sign?" He asked. Like Niall you simply smiled and shook your head no, you moved again when forced too and greeted Louis and Harry just like Niall and Liam, they didn't fail to look at you either strangely or surprised when you didn't ask them to sign anything. When you finally reached your boyfriend he looked up and smiled widely jumping out of his seat "Babe!" He said pulling you into a hug. Paul quickly pulled you around the table and had you wait where the rest f the crew were. Once the signing was over the boys made their way to you and hugged you "You cheeky girl," Louis said. You hugged Zayn and kissed him "Well you lads finally got to meet [Y/N],' He said pulling you closer to him.


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