He lets the fame go to his head

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Zayn: You were out to a fancy dinner with Zayn. It was your one year anniversary and he told you to dress up for this date as you were going somewhere really prissy and uptown fancy. You couldn't argue with that. This place seemed like it was a celebrity hot spot. "Hello, i'm Jessica, your waiter for this evening. May I start with taking your order for drinks?" Your bubbly teenage waitress smiled at the two of you. "Yes, love, i'll have the Blue-port red wine thanks" you gave her your order and grinned at her. "Oh, i'm sorry, we're actually all out of that for tonight" Jessica apologized. You frown slightly but shrug it off, "Oh okay. I'll just have the--" "Then get some more" Zayn interuppted, grimacing at the girl. "I-i'm sorry sir?" Jessica chirped, notepad at the ready. "Get some more Blue-port wine. My girlfriend wants the wine, she'll get what she wants! I don't care if you have to go down to the grocery store or whatever, just make sure she gets it" He snaps and looks back at the menu. "B-but we're actually all out of that kind of wine. It's highly recommended-" "Look, aren't you supposed to be getting us that wine by now?" Zayn said through his teeth, basically ignoring her quivering lip and watery eyes. "Okay, sir, i'm sorry, I'll go see what I can do" She whispered before practically running off in tears. You just glare at Zayn, in complete shock. He finally looks up and notices your expression. "What?" He asks innocently. "Are you kidding me?! Zayn! All she was telling us was that there was no more wine. So what, I would've had another wine! I can't believe you just spoke to her like that!" You whisper harshly and trying to keep your voice down, not wanting to start a scene. Zayn looked at you for that extra split second before realizing what he had done. He quickly got up from his chair and made a beeline to where the girl had run off. He came back with a proud smile on his face. "I told her I was very sorry and offered her tickets to our next concert in LA" he assured you and you sighed in relief. "Thank you, Zayn" he leaned over and kissed you before the two of you continued your dinner together.

Harry: You were walking hand in hand down the busy streets of London. It'd been a long day at the studio and all he wanted was to get back to the hotel together and just sleep. But, of course, the fans blocking the entrance made that a little hard. Harry groans and clutches onto your hand tighter as you try to get through all the fans. He gets to the middle of the group before just giving up and letting go of your hand. "Can everyone back off!" He shouts, "I'm trying have a nice evening with my girlfriend! God, you guys are annoying some times! Move!". He managed to push his way through the crowd, with you following close behind. You got inside the hotel and just glare at him on the way up to the room. "I can't believe you just did that!" You broke the silence as soon as Harry shut the door behind you. "What?" He actually had the nerve to look confused. "Harry! Those girls are your fans. You've put up with this for years! You don't have to be so rude!" You knew what it was like, as you were a fan before you met Harry. "But their so annoying, Y/N. I just hate them sometimes...I swear, every fan out there is crazy". "Are you calling me crazy? Because you know I was a fan before we met!" You snap. "No, Y/N, your different, obviously!" "Well if i'm so different then you'll go apologize because you care about me" You say sternly and cross your arms across your chest. Harry huffs and grabs his coat again, he threw it back on and started to walk back down to the crowd. You watched a video on youtube later that fans posted of Harry apologizing for his actions.

Niall: "We've been waiting here for hours!" Niall whines. The two of you were waiting in line at the cinemas to see a movie Niall had been waiting for for weeks. When you finally got to the start of the line, tickets were all sold out. "Excuse me?" Niall narrowed his eyes at the movie's usher, "Do you know who we are?!". The usher frozen on the spot, her eyes widening. "Niall, I don't mind, we can go see another movie-" "Y/N, shh" Niall interuppted and then turned back to glare at the poor usher. "My name is Niall Horan? I'm from One Direction and this is my girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N. We waited in this line for ages, and you should know who we are. So can we have our tickets please?!" Niall snaps. You send an apologetic look to the girl before pulling Niall away. "Y/N, what are you doing?" Niall says as you pull him right out of the cinemas. "You cannot talk to someone like that! Your a normal person, aren't you?!" You shout, "That was so embarrassing, Niall! Lets just...go home" You cross your arms across your chest and head to the car. Niall sighs and follows you. The whole car ride home is quiet and there is obvious tension there. Even the boys notice as soon as you walk in the door. You mumble something under your breath and head up to the room. Niall comes up minutes later and has his laptop in his hands. "Niall, go away" You pull the pillow over your face and try to block him out. "No, Y/N, look" Niall showed you a tweet he'd sent to someone. NiallOfficial: @girlstwitter I believe your the girl I was extremely rude to at the cinema. I'm terribly sorry. I was a real right jerk and made Y/N look bad too...i'd like to see you at our next concert :) You give Niall a quick kiss and he snuggles up close to you.

Liam: "Hmm, how about this one?" You hold the tight blue dress up to your frame, showing it off to Liam. "Mmm, it looks great" Liam winks and leans back against the chair he'd been sitting in for an hour as your looked around the store. "But, you know what, Y/N?" Liam says again and comes up behind you, placing his hands on your hips, "I'd much rather see it on you. When we're at home. Now!". "Okay, okay, let me just go pay and we'll go home" You promise and pick up all your items from around the dressing room. Liam shook his head, "Your not paying, Y/N, silly girl" he pulls out his wallet and escorts you to the front counter, with you blushing. You waited for a few minutes whilst the store clerk ran around the shop, rushing to fix clothes up, escort people to dressing rooms and also serve customers. It must've been a seriously busy job to work here. "Wait here" Liam grunts and walks off. Much to your horror, he walks straight up to the clerk and from the looks of it, said some seriously ignorant things to her. The clerk replied softly, her bottom lip quavering. "Yeah, well, some of us have important lives to get to!" Liam practically yells back. You feel yourself blush in embarrassment and anger. You drop the items on the counter and quickly escape the store. You march over to the car and wait there until Liam comes over a few minutes later. "Y/N?" He asks as he sits in the car, passing the bags to you, "Why'd you leave? You made me look silly buying these girly dresses-" "Well you made me look silly by yelling at that clerk" You crossed your arms across your chest and glare over at him. Liam's face falters and he looks down at the steering wheel. "I was a bit out of line wasn't I?". "Yes, Liam, you were! The poor girl was rushing around trying to do everything else! And just because your Liam Payne that doesn't mean you can just go around demanding service" You look out the window, refusing to look at him. "Fine" He grumbles and opens the door, stopping to look at you, "I'll go apologize, but then we're going home". You don't need to follow him, you trust that Liam apologized to the girl. And it was all proved right when he walked back to the car with that grumpy ashamed look he always had when he said 'sorry' to people. You smirk as he slides into the seat, grinning sheepishly at you. "Thank you, Liam" You giggle as he starts the drive off again. "Your so good for me, Y/N"

Louis: "You know the drill, just smile and pose" Louis, your boyfriend of nine months, winks as he pulls you out of the private car hired to take you and him to the red carpet event. You wore a stunning silver gown, matching Louis's bow tie. It was the day the next music award winners would be announced, so you both tried to look your best. You walk onto the carpet with him, hand in hand, and smile out at the sea of cameras flashing. By now, you'd gotten pretty used to it. You smile, and then move along a bit, and then smile again, and move along again. It was all really basic. You noticed The Wanted, a few paces away, doing the same thing. You waved over to Jay, to whom you'd become good friends. They were only here because they were invited, not because they were nominated for anything. They'd just been beaten by One Direction's new album in the ratings, so they were still pretty bummed out. Louis notices your little eye contact with Jay and naturally, grows jealous. "What are they doing here?" He sighs and pulls you along. "Aw, don't be like that. Their just guests" You bit your lip and smile for the cameras. "Yeah but, they didn't even sell any copies of their new album. It's pointless for them to be here. If I were them i'd be so ashamed, I wouldn't leave my house. They can't even come to these things without washing everyone out" Louis snickers and you are completely astounded. The Wanted were your friends, and to hear Louis bragging and boasting to the fact that he beat them by a few more votes in the ratings, it doesn't mean he can just say those horrible things. You kept posing for a while longer, but the smile was genuine, it was so fake. You were honestly so hurt by the way Louis had spoke. He'd never really acted like this, so it was huge shock.

"Why are you so quite, Y/N?" Louis whispers to you as you both take your seat in the audience. "Because the way you acted earlier was a complete joke. I don't think you should say that about anyone, let alone the people that you used to be before you sold a few more albums" You say simply and keep quite again. When the boys win the next award and they're giving their speech, Louis steps forward to the microphone and everyone is quite. "I just wanna say a quick congrats to 'The Wanted', i'm sorry lads, you really should've won this award and you deserve it every little bit as much as we do!". At the end of the speeches you stand up and clap, proud of Louis. He comes back and kisses you on the cheek. "That'll be a good headline for tomorrow" He winks.


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